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Sat June 21 2014 18:15:00

Do You Agree Sunday Is Best Day to End Auctions?

By: Julia Wilkinson

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According to EcommerceBytes's latest poll about when is the best day to end auctions, it turns out online sellers still think very much the same way as they did in 2005: Sunday is by a clear majority the best day to wrap up bidding on an item. In fact, even a higher percentage of sellers today - 61.5% - than in 2005 - 56.8% - agree that this day is optimal.

This is not too surprising to me, given today's work-driven society where people often brag about how little "down time" they have. Sunday for some is the only day they clear the decks and get down to just relaxing, and in some cases, shopping - increasingly online.

Another theory of why sellers may prefer this day to start auctions is it gives them time Saturday to prep (or source, if they shop at yard and estate sales) items, and then to  take another chunk of time Sunday to list them, knowing it also is a traditionally good day to end their auctions.

One question that lingers is why manual sniping would still be such a factor when there are automated sniping services out there. The idea that so many people would still hover at their computers (or tablets, or phones, what have you) to see how their hunted item's price is moving at the last minute seems a bit outdated to me.

However, even if you use an automated sniping service, and I know few friends who actually do, you may have gotten outbid.

Monday is also still the second-most popular day to end auctions. Could this be because people still have the momentum of the weekend's listing behind them? Could the Monday blahs at work be driving people to buy on that day?

Most of the other days of the week are toss-ups, percentage wise, with slim margins between them. And then there's a group of folks who don't think it matters. To some extent, if over half their items don't usually sell at auction, but at some time in the future after having been moved to a fixed-price listing, this is probably true.

Friday may be the lowest percentage day because it's both a weekday and traditionally a night people go out or do some leisure activity.

And as to the best ending times for auctions, it looks like tv's "prime time" is also the most popular time with sellers to have auctions end. Could they be hoping shoppers are buying during the commercials of their favorite Sunday night shows? (What commercials, you may ask, if you Tivo or digitally record all your programs?).

What do you think about these poll results - do you agree, and if so, why are Sundays and evenings such good times to end auctions?

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by: odona This user has validated their user name.

Sat Jun 21 23:22:44 2014

I actually do agree - and, not surprisingly, for all the reasons you offered. BUT we've also seen since the very beginning (in our case 1999) that listing Sunday (at least on ebay) generates significant immediate or near-immediate sales, auction style with Buy it Now or straight Buy it Now.
Listing Saturday seems to generate sales on etsy on Sunday and continuing into the midweek.

I suspect this all pertains to the ''day off'' syndrome.
Of course in our old brick and mortar stores the weekends were the top period so it all falls to the time off thing.

We have noticed that Thursday seems to be a pretty strong day year in year out as well...boredom I guess :-)

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This user has validated their user name. by: Ming the Merciless

Sat Jun 21 23:38:41 2014

Haven't sold auction style for years, but BIN listings are problematic on any day at any time because of Best Match manipulations at any particular moment and whether one's listings have been throttled.

The marketplace is fixed just like a crooked game.

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This user has validated their user name. by: elpereles

Sun Jun 22 01:18:37 2014

Agree with poll in the day and time. I like to use auctions with BINs. I don't understand the reason, but I have better results when ending or starting the 7 days on Sunday. More watchers and even the auction with BINs sell during those days.  

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This user has validated their user name. by: Philip Cohen

Sun Jun 22 02:41:14 2014

The end day or time does not worry me as I let my database/sniping program do the work.

Regardless, my recent experience as a buyer is that there is such a dearth of bidders on eBay auctions that there’s really good pickings there now for anyone still hanging around; I occasionally buy various things at auction and invariably there are no other bidders; I always place a minimum bid, then set a maximum snipe; recently, the last four or five items that I have bid on, I have gotten for the nominal starting price; these bargain priced items would not have sold, even at their nominal starting price, without my bid …

So, I don’t know if it is that Johnny Ho has actually finally succeeded in bringing the eBay flea market auctions to a standstill or it is just the items I have been interested in; regardless, it’s not a good look. Jacky Sheng would undoubtedly be a Ho-preferred seller, and his BIN STR is ~7%; if Sheng is struggling to find buyers, how many buyers does that leave for the rest of the Ho’s many non-preferred sellers? Not too many, I suspect …

eBay Inc, where the incompetent mingle with the malevolent and the outright criminal, and the just plain stupid ...

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by: charcorvet This user has validated their user name.

Sun Jun 22 07:00:57 2014

I always used Terapeak to check best ending times. Other the years I've often wondered if I was actually influencing the best ending time, in my most prolific categories, by when my auctions ended.

That said, Sunday, Thursday and then Tuesday evenings are my best ending days in Pottery & Glass where I primarily live.

And I'm married to a manual sniper. He's good at it. I just gave him my list of "wanted items" for tonight. Why should I pay for a service if I can be there and do it myself or have him do it?

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This user has validated their user name. by: Rexford

Sun Jun 22 07:43:27 2014

What Ming said. If I were a brand new seller contemplating selling online, I would not touch eBay with a 10 foot pole.

We had decent sales last Monday through Friday, then no sales on Friday or Saturday (on multiple eBay websites).  I feel pretty sure that we are invisible right now or being throttled.  

Pure nonsense. I don't know who the idiot at eBay is/was who came up with this but I do know who the buck stops with and I hope that eventually he his hauled off to prison.

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This user has validated their user name. by: Basset

Sun Jun 22 07:49:10 2014

When things are slow like this, and it sounds like it is for many, fixed price may be the way to go. To ask a buyer to wait out an auction may mean losing the sale unless the item is at a give-away or 'lose money' price. (so far in June, no auctions have sold for me, only FP)

I usually do a few auctions when they are a free promo - the vast majority of my items are still FP.

When I do list auctions, in most cases they end Sundays or Saturday am. But since I donate items I no longer want, most of my auction prices reflect the minimum I am willing to take online and don't stray far from the FP price. So really, I'm better off just doing FP.

One other thing, I try to have a  predictable routine time & day when I add NEW  items. I let buyers and ''followers'' know when look for new stuff and when stuff is likely to have a short percent-off sale via markdown manager. This encourages my repeat customers to stop in and take a look - and it encourages new repeat customers.

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This user has validated their user name. by: LasVagueness

Mon Jun 23 01:01:50 2014

I have lost so many auctions when they end on Sundays (not at my desk as much). I opt for mid-day Tuesdays for the rare item I put on auction (the bulk of my listings are BIN).

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This user has validated their user name. by: baconsdozen

Mon Jun 23 03:06:21 2014

I dont think sunday ending is a good idea. So many potential buyers and sellers are now using car boot sales in preference to the dead on its feet ebay that many are not at a computer to look.
The only thing that would make sense is to try and work out how to negate the damage that ebays ludicrous searh function does to your items visibility but that would take the brain of Einstein and the patience of Job.

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by: Leesantiques This user has validated their user name.

Mon Jun 23 06:18:16 2014

Not sure if Sunday is best or not, but I do know that Saturday is the the worst - and by quite a bit - for me at least.

Also, I find that having listings end in the evening (typically 8:30 or 8:15 to 9ish or so) works well.  Much better than having them end a lot earlier.


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by: elystoys This user has validated their user name.

Mon Jun 23 08:46:10 2014

If possible please segregate the "best time" data to each day of the week.  Perhaps you could also  calculate "best time" with the day of the week on which a holiday falls?
Thanks.  This is very important data.

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by: Toledo Maude This user has validated their user name.

Mon Jun 23 09:07:46 2014

After 8 or 9 years of listing auctions exclusively and paying $1.25 per auction for 7 days with most not selling or receiving but one bid, I switched to BIN listings.  Quite a monetary savings.

Even with BIN listings, items are purchased most likely on Thursdays and Sundays.  Holidays are death to my listings, and the month of May with Mother’s Day, graduations, and finally Memorial Day, I should have turned the computer off and went on vacation.  

At the recent suggestion from an EcommerceByte blogger that a few auctions will help improve eBay search results, I now and then list a few auctions, but even with very low starting bids the buyers ignore them for the most part.  

Interesting to see that eBay has restarted the option to pay for one listing and auto relist 2 more times.   And the DEFAULT is set to accept the auto relist.  Who knows maybe it will save me some bucks.

And how about last week’s eBay “FREE” offer to upgrade one’s eBay store for one month with lots of “FREE” listings?  Plus the kick in the pants FEE/FINE if a seller wishes to return to the lower level store at the end of the “FREE” month?

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by: Cassie This user has validated their user name.

Mon Jun 23 10:36:02 2014

I list only a once a quarter 3-day auction for weekends (fri-Sat-Sun) or 3 day holiday weekend specials, if it doesn't get a re-listed but sells on local flea, craigslist or etc.....

I don't play the fee listing game with any eCommerce platform for not promoting short 3 or 7 day listings each item gets one shot & exercise other option I'm inventory turn-around driven!  

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This user has validated their user name. by: David Steiner

Mon Jun 23 13:53:04 2014

That's an interesting question, elystoys. Here are the top 3 ending times for each day of the week. Time are PST:

6pm-9pm 56.7%
9pm-Midnight 25.0%
3pm-6pm 13.5%

6pm-9pm 56.3%
9pm-Midnight 25.0%
9am-Noon 13.5%

6pm-9pm 54.5%
9pm-Midnight 27.3%
9am-Noon 9.1%

9pm-Midnight 53.2%
3pm-6pm 37.0%
6pm-9pm 7.8%

6pm-9pm 59.7%
3pm-6pm 21.0%
9pm-Midnight 16.2%

9pm-Midnight 64.0%
3pm-6pm 21.5%
6pm-9pm 13.7%

6pm-9pm 58.2%
3pm-6pm 27.5%
9pm-Midnight 14.0%

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by: Toledo Maude This user has validated their user name.

Mon Jun 23 15:56:26 2014

Regarding last week’s EcommerceBytes story about Etsy having a deal with USPS to extend First Class Service from 13 ounces to 16 ounces.  

That day I had a package for an Etsy buyer that was 15.2 ounces and Etsy was ready to print a First Class label for it (saving me 80 cents over Priority).

But I chickened out and paid for and printed a Priority label.

Dropping off the package at the Post Office that afternoon, I asked the clerk if this agreement between the Post Office and Etsy was true.  

Neither he nor his supervisor had heard of it, and said that they would not accept any First Class packages over 13 ounces.  

Today, the same clerk mentioned that several customers brought in packages for Etsy buyers with First Class labels over 13 ounces.  The packages were not accepted for First Class service.  

Has anyone had their Post Office accept packages with Etsy labels in the 13 to 16 ounce range for First Class Service?  

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This user has validated their user name. by: eBoy

Mon Jun 23 20:13:32 2014

Auctions are too risky nowadays unless it's a really special, unique and hard-to-find popular item. I just do fixed price, so it's not an issue for me any more.

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by: eskay This user has validated their user name.

Wed Jun 25 15:04:47 2014

The list of top 3 ending times for each day of the week is helpful but I'd like to know what the top  times are for items sold rather than the top ending times. The data for best selling times could be entirely different. I'd rather time my items based on when more are sold rather than when more are ending. Just because sellers choose those end times doesn't mean they are best selling times.

I list in collectibles and find activity better at lunch time, late afternoon, and early evening. Sundays usually aren't successful for me and unlike others here Friday and Saturdays seem to work. I do find clustering auction end times on a few days a week rather than spreading them throughout the week works better (and ''better'' is representative of ''not much'' these days).    

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by: JTA This user has validated their user name.

Fri Jun 27 00:27:02 2014

Just when I think I got the best day & time's a totally unpredictable game of chance.

The only thing that's constant is change....and around eBay it's forever a-changin'.

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