Sat June 21 2014 18:15:00 |
Do You Agree Sunday Is Best Day to End Auctions?
By: Julia Wilkinson
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According to EcommerceBytes's latest poll about when is the best day to end auctions, it turns out online sellers still think very much the same way as they did in 2005: Sunday is by a clear majority the best day to wrap up bidding on an item. In fact, even a higher percentage of sellers today - 61.5% - than in 2005 - 56.8% - agree that this day is optimal.
This is not too surprising to me, given today's work-driven society where people often brag about how little "down time" they have. Sunday for some is the only day they clear the decks and get down to just relaxing, and in some cases, shopping - increasingly online.
Another theory of why sellers may prefer this day to start auctions is it gives them time Saturday to prep (or source, if they shop at yard and estate sales) items, and then to take another chunk of time Sunday to list them, knowing it also is a traditionally good day to end their auctions.
One question that lingers is why manual sniping would still be such a factor when there are automated sniping services out there. The idea that so many people would still hover at their computers (or tablets, or phones, what have you) to see how their hunted item's price is moving at the last minute seems a bit outdated to me.
However, even if you use an automated sniping service, and I know few friends who actually do, you may have gotten outbid.
Monday is also still the second-most popular day to end auctions. Could this be because people still have the momentum of the weekend's listing behind them? Could the Monday blahs at work be driving people to buy on that day?
Most of the other days of the week are toss-ups, percentage wise, with slim margins between them. And then there's a group of folks who don't think it matters. To some extent, if over half their items don't usually sell at auction, but at some time in the future after having been moved to a fixed-price listing, this is probably true.
Friday may be the lowest percentage day because it's both a weekday and traditionally a night people go out or do some leisure activity.
And as to the best ending times for auctions, it looks like tv's "prime time" is also the most popular time with sellers to have auctions end. Could they be hoping shoppers are buying during the commercials of their favorite Sunday night shows? (What commercials, you may ask, if you Tivo or digitally record all your programs?).
What do you think about these poll results - do you agree, and if so, why are Sundays and evenings such good times to end auctions? |