Ina Steiner EcommerceBytes Blog
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by Ina Steiner, Editor of
Thu Jan 19 2023 20:51:15

Etsy Goes Down the eBay Path with Haggling Feature

By: Ina Steiner

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Etsy allows sellers to send targeted offers to customers, but this week sellers noticed a new feature that would allow sellers to entertain offers from buyers - which some considered a recipe for disaster.

A seller shared a screenshot of their shop that showed a banner reading, "Want to let customers make offers on your listings?" with the options to "Dismiss" or "Set it up."

Some sellers said it would degrade items on the site even for sellers who chose not to accept offers. "It creates the expectation that ALL shops should offer it," one seller wrote. "They see it in one shop, and assume ALL should barter and prices are negotiable."

Others felt it would result in bad behavior by buyers whose offers were refused.

One seller was concerned about a seller's inability to detect whether an offer was coming from a buyer who found the listing through an Offsite Ad (which adds significantly more Etsy fees to items that sell). "Something to keep in mind when calculating a price that you're comfortable accepting," they said.

Offsite Ads cost between an extra 12% - 15% in fees (and are mandatory for sellers making over $10,000/year in gross sales), so it would be imperative for sellers to know if the fee applied before determining an acceptable discount.

One seller explained their concerns as follows: "I wouldn't appreciate having someone message me with, just an example... 'would you take $10 for your $25 item? I saw something similar for $8'. Would we have to take their word for it or would they show us the 'similar' item, only to find that item is made with plastic pearls vs crystal or freshwater pearls. I think those kinds of 'offers' would make us spend even more time with messages vs. time spent creating or filling orders."

Other sellers had no issue with a "make an offer" feature as long as it was optional. "I also sell on Reverb (musical stuff) which is owned by Etsy," a seller wrote, "and they have always had an offers capability. I always have the option to enable or not and usually not enabled." The seller added, "I can imagine this would be a big distraction for high volume shops."

Several sellers said if Etsy did launch the feature sitewide, they'd want to be able to control it within their shops - "It would be great if they allowed it on individual items and not the whole store, didn't see any info on that part," a seller wrote.

Cindy Baldassi, an ecommerce consultant for micro businesses who is known as cindylouwho2 on the Etsy discussion boards, wrote about the new feature on LinkedIn. She said it appeared to be a test and believed the vast majority of sellers had not yet seen the banner offering the option to accept offers.

As far as Etsy's Targeted Offers feature, it allows sellers to send three different types of email offers for shoppers who are opted-in to receiving marketing email messages:

- Abandoned cart

- Recently favorited

- Post-purchase thank you

In none of those cases would an Offsite Ad fee apply.

Some sellers said they felt Etsy was adding too many features that sites like eBay and Amazon offer, feeling Etsy items are special. "I wish for once they would come up with something original instead of hanging on the coattails of eBay constantly," a seller said.

Some wondered how the feature would work, and if it would be similar to Best Offers on eBay.

Let us know if you've received an invitation from Etsy to participate in the offers program. If you accept offers on eBay, do you think Etsy sellers' fears are overblown?  Or would a haggling feature be detrimental to Etsy's image?

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by: ThebigR This user has validated their user name.

Fri Jan 20 01:49:05 2023

If you take two of the same inventories everything is exactly the same on both sites one best offer is in place and the other doesn't have that feature and one sites churns 65 grand and the other only 30 grand in the same time frame you wouldn't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out what needs to be done to have one catch up with the other...  

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by: LDWCallsOut This user has validated their user name.

Fri Jan 20 03:34:26 2023

Only a minority of items listed for sale on Etsy are ''special''.  Most listings sell the same items found on eBay and Amazon (as well as other sites).  Many resellers already have bits of text in their listings that invite shoppers to make them an offer, including some resellers of counterfeit merch.  

I stopped using Make An Offer on eBay before I closed my store there because the offers were ridiculous.  If I ever reopened my Etsy shops, I wouldn't accept offers there, either.

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This user has validated their user name. by: The End

Fri Jan 20 05:42:04 2023

Well, have I got a surprise for them...

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This user has validated their user name. by: Rexford

Fri Jan 20 09:18:03 2023

Well look at Little eBay.  eBay copies Poshmark with this nonsense and now Etsy copies eBay. Get ready for the annoying lowball offers.


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by: HappyOne This user has validated their user name.

Fri Jan 20 10:32:21 2023

I’m a hobby online seller and long time flea market seller. My prices at flea markets are set 20% more than I want with good results. On Ebay my prices are set 30% more than I want with fair results. On Mercari I start items 35% more than I want because they apply an automatic markdown after a few days (most buyers expect). Mercari “limits” any offers to a max of 20%. I like Mercari’s policy when buyer makes an offer it is backed up with a credit card; if seller accepts it is paid for. The buyer has three days after receipt to accept or return (no 30 days or longer like Ebay). Mercari has fair results. These companies can do what they want. If offers becomes wide spread on Etsy my already raised prices for the 12% additional success fee will be raised another 20%.

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by: Stone Cutter This user has validated their user name.

Sat Jan 21 15:43:09 2023

*** Don’t fall into the rabbit hole ***

Etsy doesn’t give a “rats ass” if any sellers make a profit as long as Etsy makes money from our sales.

Latest economic data....
Earnings season has begun as U.S. retailers are announcing a fast  economic slowdown due to high inflation that is putting strain on the low income consumer. I’m not surprised that Etsy want Sellers to slash prices in order to make that sale!

And like this article says...beware of “Off-Site” ad fees that are a surprise for Sellers as these additional fees are somewhat arbitrary and unexpected.  

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by: LDWCallsOut This user has validated their user name.

Sat Jan 21 17:06:21 2023

If someone is in a lower income, financially stressed, situation there is NOTHING they need to shop for on Etsy.  With or without the make offer option.

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This user has validated their user name. by: The End

Sun Jan 22 20:08:10 2023

ATTENTION All Etsy Sellers :
Etsy works for US.

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by: pace306 This user has validated their user name.

Sun Jan 22 23:48:54 2023

I guess the ace to be the worlds biggest Flea Market is on!

Shame they both claim its exactly what they DONT want to be.

As stated above - as long as you pay their price (since its a fixed %), the sites (any and all that do this) dont really care.

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This user has validated their user name. by: Ihatethebay

Mon Jan 23 00:10:03 2023

After fifteen years on evilbay I finally divorced them and "married" Etsy. Etsy very quickly began to ape all the worst attributes of my first "wife" such that I coined the word: "Etsbay" to describe them.

This is no surprise to me that they are aping yet another dumb*ss move and while it is "optional" now, it soon won't be. That's how they force this cr*p on us sellers; they make it sound like a good thing and an option and eventually they will make it mandatory.

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by: Montage Decor This user has validated their user name.

Mon Jan 23 00:58:55 2023

I’ve not seen that offer. Occasionally I get an email with someone doing just that.
Normally I reply that the item already is that price- when Etsy’s 3 fees and possible “offsite” charge added, which seller doesn’t know until after the fact. I’ve literally had a few people ask me to “give to them free,” which I report as spam. I sell on Posh also and thing I dislike most there is sellers discounting till they make $5 or less. How is it worth even doing? I had enough “bargainers” and flea marketers when I had B&M store for 10 yrs. No concept I was paying rent or electric. 100 degrees out, I’d have to put sign on door telling them to close when they came in. Do they go home and leave front door open? But as my friend says, business would be great if it wasn’t for the customers.:)  

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by: Marty2020 This user has validated their user name.

Mon Jan 23 07:46:59 2023

I have been selling on ebay for 23 years. 80% of my sales are via best offers. Not frequently do I get a ridiculous offer, which I reject. I would like to see BO on etsy also.

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by: dmg61 This user has validated their user name.

Mon Jan 23 08:02:08 2023

I sell "supplies" on Etsy, quite a lot. I sell loose gemstones and beads. The loose gemstones I get from cutters and I take photos from all angles. No plastic or glass junk. I will not take offers on items. I give discounts on orders over $100 before tax, yes. That's it. Time is money, I'm not doing a hobby and I'm not doing best offers like I do on eBay but those are used CDs. If you want cheap, imitation stuff, my shop is not it. I don't want "best offers" floating around because Etsy is getting more and more Chinese imitation junk. Yep. Little eBay.

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by: AntiqueGirly This user has validated their user name.

Mon Jan 23 14:38:06 2023

I regularly have people emailing me for 'best price' my answer is always that I don't work against myself and obviously I would like what I have it listed for. Then I explain all the many fees I have to pay in US from Canada.  Then suggest they make me their very best offer and we an see if it works for us both.  

That's personally reaching out, not an automated button where people feel free to be jerks and make stupid offers.  However, I am not totally against the concept but need more details than I've seen on how it would work.

I do believe that knowing where the person come from is key to all requests and sales on Etsy and there should be a banner or notice as to where people come from.  

I always ask people how they found my shop before I even consider a negotiation situation.  

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by: I_Fix_Dolls This user has validated their user name.

Mon Jan 23 16:23:15 2023

I haven't seen the banner either, but maybe they know I wouldn't do it anyway, since the high prices in one of my shops range 5-10 dollars and the other shop has prices lower than almost everybody else including ebay.

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by: gyanarthi This user has validated their user name.

Mon Jan 23 22:20:03 2023

''thanks for your offer...  sorry, I can't do that...

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