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Mon Apr 22 2024 09:55:02

Amazon Multi Platform Shipping Service Comes with a Cost?

By: Reader

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Dear Ina,

In a world of free services, we need to realize that nothing is free. 

Amazon offered a free shipping platform Veeqo but think about it. What a great way to find what you are selling on other platforms.

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Perminate Link for Amazon Multi Platform Shipping Service Comes with   Amazon Multi Platform Shipping Service Comes with

by: my2cents This user has validated their user name.

Tue Apr 23 14:48:36 2024

You think that Amazon can't or doesn't figure out if any given seller sells on other platforms?  Amazon can't control sellers into selling exclusively on Amazon.  It is highly likely that most do not anyway.

Perminate Link for Amazon Multi Platform Shipping Service Comes with   Amazon Multi Platform Shipping Service Comes with

by: Gumball This user has validated their user name.

Thu Apr 25 01:43:37 2024

It looks to me like the cost was on Amazon, not the seller if they got free shipping. It may explain why a seller can offer free shipping on Ebay for the what most of us pay for shipping.  

Perminate Link for Amazon Multi Platform Shipping Service Comes with   Amazon Multi Platform Shipping Service Comes with

by: Chicago48 This user has validated their user name.

Thu Apr 25 05:49:09 2024

50% of sellers on Amazon are from China/Asia.  I don't know if it matters.

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