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by Ina Steiner, Editor of
Thu Mar 9 2023 16:35:38

eBay Spills News on Its International Shipping Program

By: Ina Steiner

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eBay continues to refine its new International Shipping program. We reported on Wednesday's chat session devoted to EIS, as it's called. Here are some callouts worth noting:

- eBay increased the maximum value of items that could be shipped through the program from $500 to $2,500 on March 7, 2023. 

- eBay will open a second hub location in Los Angeles in April, and it is evaluating other locations as it expands its operations.

- EIS does not currently support combined orders, but eBay plan to address this in the future.

- eBay is currently working to "update the removal of eIS at a listing level." (It's currently all or nothing.)

- eBay International Shipping is an "eBay owned and managed product that is run by eBay itself."

- eBay is currently updating the rates available through EIS and will publish a new rate table by the end of March 2023.

You can read the full story on EcommerceBytes Newsflash.

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by: Alfacar This user has validated their user name.

Thu Mar 9 18:27:34 2023

Oh. Shipping internationally is so lucrative to Ebay that probably they’d rather sell items abroad than domestically.

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by: Fruitylovesyou This user has validated their user name.

Fri Mar 10 00:23:23 2023

Yeah but are they going to erase the negative feedback when they use the wrong tariff # and customer pays way more? I have a hard time believing they can classify the products properly according to the Harmonized tariff schedules. Especially since they have over 14k Alerts on that tacky board.

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This user has validated their user name. by: Rexford

Fri Mar 10 06:47:18 2023

How are they going to deal with use clothing that is shipped to Spain that doesn't have a Certificate of Disinfection, which is required.  Many countries have requirements and stipulations on what can enter the country.  Has eBay thought this through?

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by: CT Bay This user has validated their user name.

Fri Mar 10 07:14:42 2023

Ill bet a contractor is running it and there isn’t even an ebay employee in the building.

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This user has validated their user name. by: toolguy

Fri Mar 10 11:02:37 2023

I don't do International

It's not worth the trouble it can lead to

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This user has validated their user name. by: iheartjacksparrow

Fri Mar 10 13:23:12 2023

"eBay International Shipping is an 'eBay owned and managed product that is run by eBay itself.'"

That statement should scare away any potential users.

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by: Ubiquitous Salmon This user has validated their user name.

Fri Mar 10 17:25:47 2023

Not to put too fine a point on it, but the program is referred to as "eIS," with a lowercase "e" as in "eBay International Shipping," not "EIS."

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by: Snapped This user has validated their user name.

Fri Mar 10 17:36:22 2023

“ Has eBay thought this through?”

As much as they do anything else they ham-hand.

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by: Marie This user has validated their user name.

Mon Mar 13 02:53:56 2023


Yes according to what was shared in the chat.  I too think they have bitten off more than they can chew by being responsible for classifications between countries.  But time will certainly tell.  I hope we are wrong.

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by: Marie This user has validated their user name.

Mon Mar 13 02:57:09 2023

@Ubiquitous Salmon

Good catch.  I didn't notice that and I went back and looked.  Sure enough you are correct.  

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by: Calling You Out This user has validated their user name.

Mon Mar 13 06:38:52 2023

I have been using GSP since it began and have shipped 1000s of orders through them with perfect results. We just got merged into EIS last week but so far so good. Only difference is we ship to Illinois now instead of Kentucky. International sales amount to about 15% of our total Ebay sales.

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by: Goodfella2016 This user has validated their user name.

Mon Mar 13 10:11:27 2023

Is this the same as the Global Shipping programme, or does it have different criteria?

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by: Marie This user has validated their user name.

Mon Mar 13 15:39:15 2023

It is a hybrid of GSP and the old Standard International Shipping program.  eIS has more benefits to sellers.  The biggest benefit is when we ship via eIS once our package lands safely at the Ebay Hub in the US, the next leg for the shipment to the buyer is at no risk to the seller.  Ebay takes on the responsibility to include if the buyer files an INAD or INR.

The Monthly Chat [link in the article] is certainly worth reading.

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by: selling stuff This user has validated their user name.

Mon Mar 13 17:33:24 2023

I got a message last week telling me that "you’ll soon be among the newest group of sellers to be enrolled in eBay International Shipping. We’ll let you know when your enrollment is complete, so keep an eye on your inbox. Once you’re in, you’ll see this new program as the international shipping service on your new eligible listings."

It did not instill a lot of confidence in their ability to handle something this complex when I looked at the message that came to my inbox & it was only half of the message.

I started shipping internationally from the very beginning back in 2000 & never wanted to enroll in the old program. So I went to my seller hub page to opt out of the program but I could not find the link to update my preferences anywhere on that page. I tried using their "help & contact" option but could never find it that way either so I finally gave up.

Bottom line I need help with 2 things. 1) Can we opt out of this new program & continue shipping internationally on our own? 2) If someone could tell me where eBay has hidden the page where you can change your preferences I would appreciate it very much.

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by: eBayKllr This user has validated their user name.

Mon Mar 13 19:43:41 2023

Selling Stuff:  the 'opt in' is to offer no international shipping options on a listing. In that case then eBay takes over. If you do offer international shipping options, then eBay's new shipping program will not come into play. I was eligible several months ago, and this is how it's worked for me so far.

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by: Marie This user has validated their user name.

Mon Mar 13 19:57:13 2023

@ Selling Stuff

Changing your preferences for your account are still right where it has always been.  Under Site Preferences.  If you are in your Seller Hub, look in the box called Shortcuts.  The link for Site Preferences is there.

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by: selling stuff This user has validated their user name.

Mon Mar 13 23:47:33 2023

@ eBayKllr

So what you are saying is if I offer international shipping to anywhere I will have to use their program & if I do not want to use the program I can not sell internationally.

Way to go eBay!! That is definitely how you HELP sellers run THEIR businesses.

@ Marie

It had disappeared from my shortcut section.

The only options I had was to purchase history, report a buyer & shipping supplies.

I finally figured out I could get the whole list back again using the tools option at the top right. However, if I leave the page when I come back it is back to just the 3 options.  

I even tried to add a couple of "custom options" & it would not allow me to do that either.

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by: Marie This user has validated their user name.

Tue Mar 14 01:53:19 2023

@Selling Stuff

It is possible, way back when you might have been first playing around with the Seller Hub you deleted it.  But there is an easy way to put it back.  
Go to the Shortcut box.
Click on the little Cog icon in the upper right corner.
This brings up a screen where you can add a new Short Cut.  In the first box your name the link.  In this case Site Preferences.  In the 2nd box you put in the address.  For your ease, here is the link:
Then click ADD.

Now it will be there the next time you need it.

If you are still having problems with new links sticking, try clearing your cache and cookies.  Close your device down.  Wait a minute or so and then fire back up.  Try it again and see if it will stick now.

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by: selling stuff This user has validated their user name.

Tue Mar 14 10:41:38 2023

@ Marie

Thanks for the help. I very much appreciate your assistance.

The problem lies in the fact that I can get the shortcuts to appear in the box but if I leave the page they have all disappeared again when I go back.

I will just have to chalk it up to just another eBay "glitch" that I will have to learn to live with but at least now I know how to get them to appear when & if needed.

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by: Marie This user has validated their user name.

Tue Mar 14 15:10:29 2023

@selling stuff

Well I'm at a loss to help you with that one.  I've never heard of this problem before.

May I suggest one more thing.  Go to the Customize button on the SH.  Unselect the Shortcut box.  Apply it.  Wait a few hours or even tomorrow, go and add the box back to your SH.  See if that pops in and self corrects.

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