Ina Steiner EcommerceBytes Blog
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by Ina Steiner, Editor of
Sat Dec 24 2022 23:17:21

New Law Requires Sellers to Disclose Identity and Contact Info

By: Ina Steiner

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Online marketplaces like eBay, Amazon, and Etsy will be required to verify "high-volume" third-party sellers and must ensure those sellers disclose their identity and contact information to buyers.

Congress passed the INFORM Consumers Act as part of the year-end omnibus spending bill on Friday. Senator Durbin hailed the legislation days before its passage - the following excerpt of his press release offers a general explanation:

"The INFORM Consumers Act directs online marketplaces to verify high-volume third-party sellers by authenticating the seller's government ID, tax ID, bank account information, and contact information. High-volume third-party sellers are defined as vendors who have made 200 or more discrete sales in a 12-month period amounting to $5,000 or more.

"The legislation instructs online marketplaces to ensure that their high-volume third-party sellers disclose to consumers basic identity and contact information. 

"The online marketplace will also need to supply a hotline to allow customers to report to the marketplace suspicious marketplace activity such as the posting of suspected stolen, counterfeit, or dangerous products. The bill presents an exception for individual high-volume third-party sellers that permits them not to have their personal street address or personal phone number revealed to the public if they respond to consumers' questions over email within a reasonable timeframe. The bill's requirements would be implemented by the FTC and violations would be subject to civil penalties."

On Friday, eBay praised its passage and explained one of its biggest advantages: it avoids a patchwork of state laws. Sellers who continue to deal with collecting and remitting sales tax to states -  each with their own rules - understand the benefit of a single Federal law on a particular issue.

Before its passage, there had been heavy lobbying from big-box retailers and online platforms, each side pushing their own agendas. Three days before the passage of the omnibus bill, the National Retail Federation (NRF) said requiring online marketplaces to verify high-volume third-party sellers would help curb the fencing of stolen merchandise - a serious and costly problem for retail stores.

In eBay's statement on Friday, it said the original version of the INFORM Consumers Act would have imposed burdensome information collection and disclosure requirements for small businesses and individuals and thanked the over 33,000 members of its Main Street Community for making their voices heard on the issue.

A coalition of marketplaces called Protect America's Small Businesses (PASS) said the version that passed on Friday provides "crucial protections for the small sellers who use our platforms to sell their unique and creative products."

Sellers discussing the new provisions had varying reactions. Some praised the law, seeing no reason why a seller shouldn't publicly provide their contact information. Others disagreed, citing sellers who work from home and have safety concerns.

Some sellers felt the definition of "high volume" was too low - 200 transactions totaling $5000 in a year would work out to an average of 4 transactions totaling $95 a week - a very low bar.

Marketplaces already had to comply with some state versions of the INFORM law. An eBay help page currently explains there are three exceptions to sharing sellers' full physical address, one of which is: "If your address is your residential address, only state and country will be shown."

We've yet to determine if that will remain the case under the newly passed Federal law. Expect to hear more on this in the New Year.

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This user has validated their user name. by: COVID-19

Sun Dec 25 03:34:59 2022


Websites' instruction: Take a selfie and upload that as part of the ID verification, in addition to your Driver's License. Until then, you are blocked.

What's that? You can't? Why not? Oh, setting up a tripod, digging up the film camera, loading a roll, tweak tweak tweak your focus, snap the shutter and then developing the film take too long? What? You don't want to waste your whole roll of film for one photo?

Several weeks later: Still can't sell. Photo came out blurry. Waaah waaah waaah. Have to repeat the whole process.

If only there's a way to check a photo right after it's taken. And then effortlessly tap it with your finger to send it right away to these websites so they'd let you sell again. If only.....if only.....

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by: lessthanthreerecords This user has validated their user name.

Sun Dec 25 09:10:18 2022

"The bill presents an exception for individual high-volume third-party sellers that permits them not to have their personal street address or personal phone number revealed to the public if they respond to consumers' questions over email within a reasonable timeframe."

So do eBay messages count as "email"?  Or will eBay finally allow buyers and sellers to actually e-mail each other again?

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by: WaLK-aWAY This user has validated their user name.

Sun Dec 25 12:47:20 2022

Key words highlighted "High Volume" sellers.
In other words:

ALL addresses if on EbAy will be shown appropriately as- -
Chongqing - Beijing - Qingdao - Mumbai - Jaipur .

THESE all of course will circumvent this edict showing their Los Angeles, San Jose and other Drop shipper addresses.  This law isn't changing ANYTHING

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This user has validated their user name. by: Rexford

Sun Dec 25 16:21:09 2022

"High-volume third-party sellers are defined as vendors who have made 200 or more discrete sales in a 12-month period amounting to $5,000 or more."

That is high volume?  LOL   I am not anti-government but this is one of the most bone headed decisions that I have seen Congress make.

Who exactly lobbied Congress to enact this law? The big brands?  What exactly is the motivation of the party or parties that lobbied for this?  At a low threshold of 200 it sounds to me like someone wants to go after small sellers.

I don't think that this has anything to do with an individual consumer. Is it time for small sellers to come together in great numbers and push back (with law suits) on any business or entity who tries to intimidate them?  This sounds like VERO with running shoes.

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by: CT Bay This user has validated their user name.

Sun Dec 25 16:42:07 2022

This is why businesses belong in business places. A home based business comes with some negative aspects. If you want to solicit business from the public they deserve to know who you are. If you don’t want the random public to know where you live, don’t do business from where you live.  

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by: LDWCallsOut This user has validated their user name.

Sun Dec 25 17:35:36 2022

The standard for a ''high volume seller'' is bogus.  That's the standard for a hobbyist seller, who is now required to obtain a tax ID.

Again, I am wondering about the test I was in on Etsy that hid the location of the SHIP FROM on all item pages, which concealed the location of many Etsy shops selling illegal counterfeit merchandise.  

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This user has validated their user name. by: Rexford

Sun Dec 25 17:40:46 2022

"This is why businesses belong in business places."

Folks who have home-based business see their homes as business places.  To my knowledge, there is no federal law that restricts someone from having a home-based business if it is not endangering their neighbors.  Apple, Hewlett-Packard, Amazon, Google, The Walt Disney Co and Mattel were all started in a garage or in a home.  

If you are selling as a third party on a platform perhaps the platform needs to know who you are. If that platform blocks you from communicating with the buyer then that is a problem that the platform created. eBay, Amazon and Etsy all have protections for buyers.  Congress has stuck their nose where it doesn't belong and I feel pretty sure that there is a reason besides their claim of protecting the consumer.

As it relates to selling on a platform, I have no problem with a buyer knowing where I live but the "random public"  have no right to know my home address or the need to know what my telephone number is until they have conducted a transaction with me and my company.

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by: Whatever This user has validated their user name.

Mon Dec 26 00:59:17 2022

glad I am no longer selling on ebay or etsy - and actually I'll probably cut way back on Mercari as well.  As for my website which I affectionaly call "storage" no worries there. Did I miss it or when does this policy take affect? I have always declared ALL my income online for the last 25 years so me retiring is about all of this getting to be too much. I ventured out into the public arena this year and was
astounded by the sheer number of vendors who no longer sell online and make
cash. Pretty sure their not paying taxes on that money. I feel like the majority of online seller such as myself are honest and have paid their taxes and the government is shooting themselves in the foot - you know picking up pennies yada yada.  We really need term limits in this country.

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by: Whatever This user has validated their user name.

Mon Dec 26 01:01:12 2022

Just one more thing - what exactly determines third-party sellers?

Where does handmade fall?

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by: Alfacar This user has validated their user name.

Mon Dec 26 01:44:11 2022

I completely agree with Rexford.
I thought that this bill was about platform knowing your address and when there were rumors of having private information displayed all over the internet at Ebay Community, I couldn’t believe it back then .
This infotm act seems to be targeting small sellers, surveilling them and maybe discouraging from selling. I don’t understand why the issue of theft is not being dealt with at retailers. Why everyone must be affected?
You don’t want to have some freak come and burn your business/home.-Maybe the act is meant to help insurances make more money?
Definitely it won’t prevent knock offs to be sold.
Some  sellers have numerous accounts (thus their selling will be low of 200/5k).

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by: Actual Seller This user has validated their user name.

Mon Dec 26 02:15:48 2022

They will protect Chinese sellers at all costs.

US Govs main job working with big tech is to unemploy YOU.

They are coming after YOU and your jobs based on anything you ever said in the past.

Twitter and FB shadow ban, Google suppresses the results of your websites, and now eBay will have the ability to suppress your store(they already do).

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by: Gumball This user has validated their user name.

Mon Dec 26 03:54:41 2022

Why do the not requre Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter and large online establishments to have a contact number. I would dearly love to complain about some of their products and services.

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by: deco2mcm This user has validated their user name.

Mon Dec 26 04:34:20 2022

I too agree with Rexford. Govt sticking their nose where it really doesn't belong. They are taking their Big Brother role to the next level. And doxxing us as they're doing it.  

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by: AddyUp This user has validated their user name.

Mon Dec 26 06:10:42 2022

This has been the norm on eBay UK for years. Big and the smallest of business sellers have to display all their contact details on every ad.

Lots of complaints at first about security and safety in giving out details on what are in most cases peoples homes. In the end it came down to suck it up if you want to sell on eBay.

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by: I_Fix_Dolls This user has validated their user name.

Mon Dec 26 08:43:41 2022

Just try to get some kind of informed person on Ebay on the phone when you have a problem. Etsy doesn't let sellers call them at all. Not to mention, the laws they are making don't go after the BILLIONAIRES at all!

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by: KE6HTS This user has validated their user name.

Mon Dec 26 08:55:33 2022

I quit selling on eBay probably 8 years ago when they decided to allow buyers to steal merchandise with their SNAD policies. Keeping up to date on eBay shenanigans with this sites newsletter is one of the few small pleasures left, so many thanks to Ina and crew for providing their newsletter service.

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by: railady This user has validated their user name.

Mon Dec 26 09:03:30 2022

Here is a summary of the INFORM law:

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by: Queen of the Jungle This user has validated their user name.

Mon Dec 26 09:23:08 2022

Agree with those who say that this is Big Government overreach.

Just another way for Big Brother to keep an eye on us and steal as much money as they can.

By the way- commenters might want to read the Twitter Files that have been published recently to see how our Intelligence agencies like FBI, CIA are all over social media including even Pinterest.

What happened to our civil liberties and rights?   The Constitution supposedly protects us against unwarranted invasion of privacy, search and seizure.

As usual the Chinese will be protected and American citizens will be thrown under the bus.  Look around at what's happening to our Country.

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by: railady This user has validated their user name.

Mon Dec 26 09:24:11 2022

I wonder why eBay would support this because if I'm reading it correctly, this law would mean buyers and sellers would have contact information readily available in listings, so they would be able to make all kinds of deals off eBay? when eBay has worked desperately to keep them from being able to communicate with each other !

And with eBay taking over as ''seller'' (Managed Payments) sellers are clearly ''Third Party'' sources who by providing the items, give up ownership to eBay to sell for them.  This sounds to me like -- depending on how important it is to people to have their personal information publicized -- like there may be a good size exodus from eBay. I would expect many would find websites where the actual person selling keeps their own identity or has their own website.  

But then I suppose the feds will figure out some way to sweep ''Marketplace FACILITATORS'' -- that only play matchmaker and aren't involved in actual sales -- into the same requirements as ''Marketplace PROVIDERS'' that depend on Third-Party providers to supply the items.  

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This user has validated their user name. by: toolguy

Mon Dec 26 10:06:54 2022

I have nothing to hide

I could care less if someone has my name, address and phone number


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