Etsy created "Teams" on the discussion boards where team leaders can make them private or public (open, closed, or hidden). But it recently introduced a backdoor where posts in supposedly private Teams are accessible to non-members.
Etsy explains on its help page, "Etsy Teams is a community feature where you can gather with peers to socialize, get advice from experienced members, and share information about running a business in your area."
A reader told EcommerceBytes, "There is a serious breach of privacy going on within the Etsy teams space. The changes they made on March 26 resulted in all teams being visible to all shop owners. Anyone can comment as well."
The reader explained the problem: "If you go in the front door of teams, it'll say the team is closed. However, open the profile of anyone who's commenting in the forms. Look at the comments they've made, you can enter private team threads that way."
Sellers explained that posts meant to be kept private include discussions about removing members and posts with member contact information.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention! We're working with our platform provider to investigate these reports. Please be sure to reach out to us directly if you believe there's a problem with your team settings via community[at]etsy[dot]com.
Etsy Teams are only available to logged in visitors, and Team Captains can choose between three settings for their teams:
Open: All registered community members can join the team, as well as see and create content.
Closed: Access requires approval, and only approved members can see the contents of the team.
Hidden: The team and its contents are not visible to those without access and will not appear in the directory or search results.
These settings are only accessible by registered users with the Team Captain role. You can read more about Etsy Teams here.
"Etsy admin does not use their own team space for their own important discussions," the EcommerceBytes reader told us - "they use Facebook. It really has been seeming for a while like they're trying to kill teams which is a shame."