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Established: 2000

Overall Rating:3.9 Stars - Overall Rating3.9 Stars - Overall Rating3.9 Stars - Overall Rating3.9 Stars - Overall Rating3.9 Stars - Overall Rating

Performance:3.9 Stars3.9 Stars3.9 Stars3.9 Stars3.9 Stars

Reliability:3.9 Stars3.9 Stars3.9 Stars3.9 Stars3.9 Stars

Ease Of Use:4.3 Stars4.3 Stars4.3 Stars4.3 Stars4.3 Stars

Customer Service:3.3 Stars3.3 Stars3.3 Stars3.3 Stars3.3 Stars

Value:4.4 Stars4.4 Stars4.4 Stars4.4 Stars4.4 Stars


Delcampe was founded in 2000 and focuses on collectibles. It was initially composed of French speakers from Belgium and France but grew internationally. Delcampe has websites in the United States, Great Britain, Germany, Spain, Italy and Netherlands and is available in six different languages: English, French, Spanish, Italian, German and Dutch.

Listing Fees

FREE ! Insertion fees ? They do not exist on Delcampe. Putting on sale is entirely FREE.

Closing Fees

* No sale : No commission
* Under 750.00 USD/month : 5.50% of the monthly sales amount
* 750.00 USD - 1499.99 USD/month : 5.00% x (sales amount - 750 USD) + 41.25 USD (commission lower level)
* 1500.00 USD - 7499.99 USD/month : 4.50% x (sales amount - 1500 USD) + 78.75 USD (commission lower levels)
* 7500.00 USD - 14999.99 USD/month : 3.00% x (sales amount - 7400 USD) + 348.75 USD (commission lower levels)
* 15000.00 USD and beyond/month : 2.00% x (sales amount - 15000 USD) + 573.75 USD (commission lower levels)

Latest Reviews (6)

Jose: Zero buyer's protection. Sellers charge whatever...   1.4 Stars1.4 Stars1.4 Stars1.4 Stars1.4 Stars
IFindBugs: I would like to see more "eyeballs" on the site...   4.6 Stars4.6 Stars4.6 Stars4.6 Stars4.6 Stars

Read All Reviews

Last Updated by Vendor: Mar 4, 2011

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