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Established: 1997

Overall Rating:3.8 Stars - Overall Rating3.8 Stars - Overall Rating3.8 Stars - Overall Rating3.8 Stars - Overall Rating3.8 Stars - Overall Rating

Performance:3.8 Stars3.8 Stars3.8 Stars3.8 Stars3.8 Stars

Reliability:4.0 Stars4.0 Stars4.0 Stars4.0 Stars4.0 Stars

Ease Of Use:4.0 Stars4.0 Stars4.0 Stars4.0 Stars4.0 Stars

Customer Service:3.8 Stars3.8 Stars3.8 Stars3.8 Stars3.8 Stars

Value:3.5 Stars3.5 Stars3.5 Stars3.5 Stars3.5 Stars


ProPay allows merchants to accept credit cards - including Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express  - from customers. Since 1997, ProPay has provided simple, secure, and affordable payment solutions for organizations ranging from the small, home-based entrepreneur to multi-billion-dollar enterprises. ProPay is a leading provider of complete End-to-End Payment Security solutions that reduce, and may even eliminate, the organization's risk of having sensitive payment data compromised. ProPay is the recipient of the prestigious 2010 ETA ISO of the Year award.

How it Works

ProPay allows merchants to accept credit cards - including Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express  - from customers.

Credit cards are processed via ProPay's online interface, any touch-tone telephone, or via email invoice.  

ProPay is the only merchant account that allows you to sign up and start processing credit cards instantly.

Proceeds from transactions are settled into a ProPay account.  Funds can then be transferred to any U.S. checking account or access via a linked PrePaid MasterCard Card.


ProPay offers multiple plans with rates as low as 2.69%.  

ProPay's Basic Plan:
$34.95 annual fee

Process a credit card: 3.5% of transaction plus $0.35 per transaction (V/MC/D)

$0.35 to transfer funds to a checking account.

No statement, gateway, equipment, or monthly minimum fees.

See web site for other plans.

Latest Reviews (1)

digger: Very reliable service with good customer service...   4.8 Stars4.8 Stars4.8 Stars4.8 Stars4.8 Stars

Read All Reviews

Last Updated by Vendor: Sep 4, 2007

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