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Established: 2005

Overall Rating:2.3 Stars - Overall Rating2.3 Stars - Overall Rating2.3 Stars - Overall Rating2.3 Stars - Overall Rating2.3 Stars - Overall Rating

Performance:2.4 Stars2.4 Stars2.4 Stars2.4 Stars2.4 Stars

Reliability:2.3 Stars2.3 Stars2.3 Stars2.3 Stars2.3 Stars

Ease Of Use:2.6 Stars2.6 Stars2.6 Stars2.6 Stars2.6 Stars

Customer Service:1.8 Stars1.8 Stars1.8 Stars1.8 Stars1.8 Stars

Value:2.4 Stars2.4 Stars2.4 Stars2.4 Stars2.4 Stars


Etsy is the world’s handmade marketplace. Independent sellers from over 150 countries offer handmade and vintage items, and craft supplies. Founded by Rob Kalin in 2005, the company's  mission is to empower people to change the way the global economy works, making the world more fair, more sustainable, and more fun.


Open shop: free.

Listing fees: 20 cents.

Commission fees: 3.5%.

All listings include up to 5 images, listings stay up for 4 months.


Handmade, Vintage, and Crafting Supplies

Latest Reviews (155)

PotterHIll: Lie about free shipping and distort search...   1.0 Stars1.0 Stars1.0 Stars1.0 Stars1.0 Stars
purpleiris: All I have Etsy to thank for is turning me...   1.0 Stars1.0 Stars1.0 Stars1.0 Stars1.0 Stars

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Last Updated by Vendor: Nov 11, 2018

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