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Established: 2001

Overall Rating:3.4 Stars - Overall Rating3.4 Stars - Overall Rating3.4 Stars - Overall Rating3.4 Stars - Overall Rating3.4 Stars - Overall Rating

Performance:3.4 Stars3.4 Stars3.4 Stars3.4 Stars3.4 Stars

Reliability:3.4 Stars3.4 Stars3.4 Stars3.4 Stars3.4 Stars

Ease Of Use:3.4 Stars3.4 Stars3.4 Stars3.4 Stars3.4 Stars

Customer Service:3.4 Stars3.4 Stars3.4 Stars3.4 Stars3.4 Stars

Value:3.4 Stars3.4 Stars3.4 Stars3.4 Stars3.4 Stars


By automatically placing your bids at the last possible moment, AuctionStealer allows you to rest easy knowing that your competitors will have literally no time to react to your bid. Schedule your bid at your convenience and AuctionStealer places it with seconds to go, leaving you free to go about your business without worrying about when to bid next.


Free account (3 snipes/week)

Priority Unlimited: $8.99 / month or $34.99 for 6 months

Priority Per Item: $2

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By automatically placing your bids at the last possible moment, AuctionStealer allows you to rest easy knowing that your competitors will have literally no time to react to your bid.

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Latest Reviews (5)

odona: Been using since they started...never had a...   5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars
doodle78988: TERRIBLE!!!!!!!!! paid $64.99 for a 6 month...   1.0 Stars1.0 Stars1.0 Stars1.0 Stars1.0 Stars

Read All Reviews

Last Updated by Vendor: Mar 7, 2011

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