Reviews for: BigCommerce      | ddktt
     Feb 16, 2014 | Nice platform that works like a charm once you get going. It is set up in CSS and I am not a programmer so I hired someone to design my site-an expense I was not expecting. Culturally they are informal bordering on unprofessional at times. They eliminated the support ticket system one night no warning and replaced it with a dumb email system. They have a good forum. If you want extras beyond basic functionality you will need to pay. Don't assume they have a feature included-check before you buy. | thehosst
     Jan 2, 2013 | The word big does not really apply to bigcommerce, the search is terrible, after 2000 items good luck finding an item, no filters available and search suggest goes nuts. After 2000 items, exporting to shopping feeds becomes a nightmare, support people may be rude sometimes, I prefer magento or cs-cart | sellerfish
     Aug 19, 2012 | BC recommends third party site experts that are mostly overpriced and inexperienced.
Over 2 years, 3 different design "experts" and our site is still not correct | CAROLINASGIRL
     Aug 21, 2011 | I have been using Big Commerce since Aug 2010 and just opened a 2nd store. Tech support is top notch, best I have found and they work hard to get us the tools or implement the ideas we have as store owners. I have been very pleased and will open a 3rd store next year. www.shopwithcarolinagirl and | Wayne
     Aug 20, 2011 | I can't say enough about both the solution, the customer service and "training" provided by Big Commerce. We just moved from because customer service started to slip and we just can't tolerate that now.
We had do the transition for us - and they had us up and running in just 4 days. Other designers said 5-8 weeks!
We now have a sophisticated user experience and the flexibility is wonderful. The support has been great!
Wayne |