Inventory Management and Listing Tools
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Established: 2001

Overall Rating:1.7 Stars - Overall Rating1.7 Stars - Overall Rating1.7 Stars - Overall Rating1.7 Stars - Overall Rating1.7 Stars - Overall Rating

Performance:2.0 Stars2.0 Stars2.0 Stars2.0 Stars2.0 Stars

Reliability:1.7 Stars1.7 Stars1.7 Stars1.7 Stars1.7 Stars

Ease Of Use:1.5 Stars1.5 Stars1.5 Stars1.5 Stars1.5 Stars

Customer Service:1.7 Stars1.7 Stars1.7 Stars1.7 Stars1.7 Stars

Value:1.7 Stars1.7 Stars1.7 Stars1.7 Stars1.7 Stars


ChannelAdvisor is a leading provider of cloud-based e-commerce solutions that enable retailers and manufacturers to integrate, manage and optimize their merchandise sales across hundreds of online channels including Amazon, Google, eBay, Facebook and more. Through automation, analytics and optimization, ChannelAdvisor customers can leverage a single inventory feed to more efficiently list and advertise products online, and connect with shoppers to increase sales.

Sites Supported

Online channels including Amazon, Google, eBay, Facebook and more.


Call us for pricing or register for a product demo at

Platform (Hosted/PC/Mac)


Latest Reviews (4)

ecommerceman: all above is true...get real pricing first and...   1.2 Stars1.2 Stars1.2 Stars1.2 Stars1.2 Stars
jleach: Its not $45 any more. Just the CSE module is $950...   1.2 Stars1.2 Stars1.2 Stars1.2 Stars1.2 Stars

Read All Reviews

Last Updated by Vendor: Apr 4, 2013

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