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StreetPricer - the ultimate eBay repricer

Established: 2016

Overall Rating: Stars - Overall Rating Stars - Overall Rating Stars - Overall Rating Stars - Overall Rating Stars - Overall Rating

Performance:Not Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet Rated

Reliability:Not Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet Rated

Ease Of Use:Not Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet Rated

Customer Service:Not Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet Rated

Value:Not Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet Rated


An eBay repricer that finds and tracks your competitors' prices. Boost your sales and profit by keeping your prices always competitive.

Used by retailers who sell exclusively on eBay, or Amazon sellers who need a repricer that works on the eBay platform. Both catalog and non-catalog listings are supported, including multi-variations.

StreetPricer has customers in over 18 countries, supports multiple stores, and can reprice directly to eBay or to eCommerce platforms.

Sites Supported

All eBay sites in every country, incl eBay Motors.


1,000 SKUs: $29
5,000 SKUs: $79
10,000 SKUs: $129
20,000 SKUs: $189
Enterprise: $489

Platform (Hosted/PC/Mac)

Hosted. Cloud based.

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Last Updated by Vendor: Apr 1, 2019

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