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Established: 1998

Overall Rating:4.0 Stars - Overall Rating4.0 Stars - Overall Rating4.0 Stars - Overall Rating4.0 Stars - Overall Rating4.0 Stars - Overall Rating

Performance:4.3 Stars4.3 Stars4.3 Stars4.3 Stars4.3 Stars

Reliability:4.3 Stars4.3 Stars4.3 Stars4.3 Stars4.3 Stars

Ease Of Use:4.7 Stars4.7 Stars4.7 Stars4.7 Stars4.7 Stars

Customer Service:4.0 Stars4.0 Stars4.0 Stars4.0 Stars4.0 Stars

Value:2.7 Stars2.7 Stars2.7 Stars2.7 Stars2.7 Stars


Whether you ship one package a day or 1000, from your garage or from a giant warehouse, has the tools to make your USPS shipping process faster and more efficient than ever before. With one click, you can import all of your order data from the most popular online marketplaces including eBay,, PayPal and Etsy. When you're ready to ship, just select the orders and print your shipping labels. Delivery Confirmation info will automatically post back to your data source.





Latest Reviews (3)

The End: Once in a Blue Blue Moon some thing (on my end)...   5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars
JQ: Hidden monthly fee associated with service. I...   3.2 Stars3.2 Stars3.2 Stars3.2 Stars3.2 Stars

Read All Reviews

Last Updated by Vendor: Aug 13, 2012

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