Reviews for: Etsy      |
     Sep 25, 2019 | Lie about free shipping and distort search results for potential buyers. Too many ads. They choke the buying experience. |
     Jun 4, 2019 | All I have Etsy to thank for is turning me completely off of marketplace sites. They were great at first, but quickly went downhill when they went public and hired a former eBay executive as CEO. Any site that considers its shareholders as the company's most important asset is simply a money-making machine for the greedy elite and you should run far and fast from it. They provide little to no support and the ones they have in charge actually abuse users and let others get away with abusing them |
     Apr 14, 2019 | Low fees, easy to use, customers seem easier to please than ebay users, but traffic for vintage not brisk. I've sold some high dollar items there but not many run-of-the-mill things. |
     Oct 30, 2018 | I've been on Ebay since 98, they have been going downhill fast since meg leff, i've moved most of my inventory to etsy for the past 4 years, i must say i'm very pleased, while I would love a more streamlined listing format (categories etc) I'm pleased with the value. What I'm most grateful is the BUYERS, they're actually Nice! I haven't had a return or request ever! |
     Mar 28, 2018 | A shame. This platform had momentum and potential. Management is now abusive. They shut down my antique store with no justification. I had 100% positive feedback and never had any issues with any buyer during the 2 years we used their services. On shutting down our shop they demanded we provide one piece of ID after another. It is almost as if they have turned into a data harvesting company using Chinese slave-wage labour as cover. They had so much potential. Shareholders wake up! |
     Jan 17, 2017 | I tried so hard to leave Ebay and go to Etsy. Can't do. No way can a serious antique & vintage seller get by with as few categories as they have. Critical comments on forums are deleted. Sellers with thousands of sales are called handmade. All relevance to handmade has been delegated to foreign sweatshops. Too bad, a site that started out good, dies a slow, painful death. Might as well be walmart. |
White Rabbit
     Aug 6, 2016 | Etsy? Etsy is that stuff you scrape off the bottom of you shoe after walking through the pasture. 1,000+ employees and they can not be bothered with Support. The CEO is a complete Moron and that is giving him undue credit. I have yet to meet an intelligent caring Employee there. The Tech Team? well Idiots is again a compliment that the tech team does not deserve. No Moral values.. and I would not trust this company with my financial info. Sales.. less than the hassle that is involved selling. |
     Jan 12, 2016 | Etsy is the Kim Jong-un of marketplaces. As a long time dealer, I sent them a question and received no reply (which happens regularly). I then moved my question to the forum, to ask other sellers for advice, mentioning that Etsy never replied to me. Etsy finally noticed me, striking my comment and muting my account so I couldn't ask other sellers for advice any longer, all because I simply mentioned that Etsy doesn't respond to my inquiries. Apparently a very Kim Jong-un approach to criticism. |
     May 10, 2015 | lack of customer service, no phone or direct line. will close your shop for various reasons and tell you after the fact, sometimes. multiple emails without any direct solutions.
allows massed produced China products and resellers on the site. |
     Apr 21, 2015 | Etsy was a great place 2 sell. 2013 things changed: allowing Chinese & other re-sellers. Launching useless site changes full of glitches. Search, nav never really worked & favors certain shops. New categories make ppl invisible & hard to find - no walk-by traffic, the backbone of business. No quality control, poor roll-out. Easy to make money & look viable charging .20 / listing x hundred thousand / day x 30. Don't even need sales really. Views, fav's & sales plummeted 03/15 after cat change. |
     Feb 5, 2015 | When it's working, it's great. Unfortunately constant tweaking and fiddling with stable performance has turned this site on it's head. Pair constant site changes with the redefined "handmade" to allow factory made goods from China and this site loses all integrity.
Customer Service is non existent. Sellers have no one to turn to for assistance when fixes hide stores from search. Customers ripped off by overseas sellers are advised to work it out with the missing seller. |
     Jan 12, 2015 | LIKE: reasonable cost, community feel, general aesthetics, younger audience.
DON'T LIKE: low Favorites to Sales conversion, low traffic, low sales, irrelevant categories for antique and vintage items, low filter threshold allows frequent scammer contact, unable to block fraud suspects. |
     Dec 7, 2014 | No place else compares. |
     Oct 18, 2014 | Easy to use listing interface. Surprisingly high volume but you can only sell hand made or vintage items. |
Wag more bark less
     Sep 21, 2014 | Would like to sell more if they broadened their categories. |
     Aug 23, 2014 | Started using Etsy in Feb and have had much success. I have tried other small sites and gotten no where but the customers seem to be there and buying. I am happy with my results and have decided to push now with more listings and see where this goes. So far so good.....I sell vintage and both expensive and inexpensive items seem equally popular. I love it! |
Flying Childers
     Aug 10, 2014 | Etsy at one time was the best for small sellers of handmade and vintage. In 2013 things changed: allowing Chinese & other resellers & non-stop testing on buyers and sellers. There is no customer service & no real search engine. It seems that nobody on top knows what they're doing or gives a hoot about the buyers or sellers. They are contemptuous of us in fact. The tests serve no purpose except to put people out of business & discourage buyers. As of 8/14 there is no end in sight.
     Jul 20, 2014 | Etsy has become a shell of it's original self. Chad "redefined" handmade thus opening the door for all the cheap factory junk permeating Etsy. There is a vile Big Brother environment on Etsy-you don't dare question or speak negatively of anything Etsy related or you will be muted-permanently from the Forums. The Etsy flying monkey cheerleaders troll the Forums flagging those that question & removing their posts. The "policies/rules" are very arbitrarily enforced. There IS NO community here! Evil |
     Jun 8, 2014 | I've had a shop on Etsy since 2011. Their constant removal of features-like removing my shop's shipping costs!-Are done with NO NOTICE to shop owners! The onslaught of Chinese-mass-produced items are now allowed on Etsy because of the $$ they bring in! That was the last straw. I'd already be gone if it wasn't for my teams. The Team Concept is the only good thing. But it doesn't make up for Etsy's lack of respect & support of its sellers. I'm looking for a new venue & will be gone soon. |
     Apr 23, 2014 | Do you notice how Etsy's ratings here take a nosedive after 2011? Isn't that around the time Chad and his minions took the helm? Etsy applies different rules to different sellers. If you get on the forums take up for them no matter how crooked and dishonest they are - your feedback scores will reflect it in the little favors they will do by removing negatives. If you don't, you leave yourself open to every kind of injustice from buyers, sellers and etsy admin. |
Violets and Wine
     Mar 3, 2014 | Sold on Etsy for 2 years. Then in August 2013 the bottom fell out of my (and many other sellers) business for no reason. Etsy's response: work on your photos/SEO. Then the Town Hall meeting where it was clear that Chad had us in favor of cheap sweatshop-produced crap. Anyone who spoke up in the forums was muted. There is ZERO customer service for sellers OR buyers. And Etsy "redefined" handmade factory-made junk is labeled "handmade" - and buyers don't know they're being deceived. |
     Jan 24, 2014 | I'm a Seller Here, A Great Community. Only.20 per Listing for 4 months, make it VERY AFFORDABLE...The BUYERS are Quite Savvy, but Can Be Very Faithful, and a there's a Great Community Aspect, more Personal than Ebay!..."Shop Stats" is a Very Useful Tool in letting you know Where Your Traffic is coming from and where your Landing Pages are..shows you What Customers are Looking For...Their Relisting Forms are Easy to Use when Listing Similar Items..AAA+++ Site! Wish they had 24/7 phone support |
Move it Along
     Jan 23, 2014 | Moved it along... as far away as I could get. Any shiny rewards were tarnished by overall attitude; so much for true handmade. For those who think the grass is greener here, read the bugs section of the forum. It is an eye opener. Nearly non-existent customer support doesn't even know the site terms of use. Very disappointed with this marketplace. Glad I decided to move it along. |
     Jan 23, 2014 | Poor customer service and unresponsive management. |
     Jan 20, 2014 | I get sales here and I hate every dime I give them. I hate what Etsy is now. I hate the favoritism, the overlord attitude, the white repeated front page, the trending, the factories..I HATE it. But it keeps me doing what I love, Vintage. |
     Jan 19, 2014 | Site performs well, lots of seller tools. Easy to navigate, set up a store, etc. The buyers are there, they have no competition when it comes to built-in traffic.
Worth the cost. |
     Jan 6, 2014 | What use to be a good site is now a shambles. Resellers are opening shops in droves. You're muted in the forums for expressing any concerns about this. Customer service is non-existent. Programming changes are made on the site without testing first, causing havoc for the sellers. Your activity feed is now spammed by Etsy with random favorites made by others that you have no interest in. Not only do you have to compete with factory items you now have to look at them in your own store's feed. |
     Jan 5, 2014 | Sell primarily in the vintage category. Biggest aggravation is that Etsy has no shipping calculator--can't understand why Etsy doesn't fix this. If you don't list constantly, items don't show in search. Lots of misrepresented items. Lots of fantasy items--using upscale designer names and logos on non-designer items and claiming handmade. Sales okay--cheap enough to list. |
     Dec 22, 2013 | Etsy is the top flight selling site as far as I'm concerned. Loads of traffic translate into lots of sales with low Final Value Fees. The only drawback is a customer Service Dept that is next to non existent. |
     Oct 8, 2013 | Etsy remains the best online venue for selling handmade. Several of the people who carefully banded together to reduce the Etsy rating here by giving 1 star across the board have come back to Etsy already. This was nothing more than a sham to have Etsy feel what feedback is like in a star system. Not only does Etsy bring the traffic, but they are making improvements every day. I highly recommend this platform. |
Etsy User
     Sep 29, 2013 | Etsy treats sellers like criminals. Etsy is NOT a good business plan for the long term. Etsy presents the company as a warm happy place... but in reality the staff could care less about how important your business is to you. Interactions with support and admins are condescending & dismissive. Etsy staff are inexperienced, arrogant, self important hipsters with no understanding of customer needs. Always remember: "Etsy reserves the right to refuse service to anyone, for any reason, at any time" |
     Sep 25, 2013 | People there are great, buyers and sellers that is - supportive of each other..
Etsy has nothing to offer the one-of-a-kind crafter anymore. Factory mades have crowded the OOAKs out. In addition, no customer service, constant changes, changes not researched before being used, cannot talk freely on forum for fear of being muted, always have the fear of shop being closed if anything derogatory is said about Etsy...even a suggestion.
But worse of all, many sellers have lower sales |
     Sep 12, 2013 | Etsy used to be awesome, but current management has turned it into the go to place for factories pretending to be collectives. |
     Sep 10, 2013 | Etsy is a good venue with traffic but it is horridly overshadowed with the absolute lack of customer service. They are being over run with cheap imported items from sweat shop factories. They not only refuse to remove them but the admin coach them on how to alter their bio so they can continue to list as handmade. it is a shame for buyers who trust they are purchasing from artists. |
     Sep 10, 2013 | Unbelievable in America today that a company can completely muzzle complaints from its (seller) customers. And Etsy has no telephone contact. A word of complaint or even a valud suggestion is met with draconian measures ... either muting or the sudden disappearance of one's shop.
Etsy is using genuine small crafters as a front for resellers and factories in China. And muzzling anyone who dares point this out. |
Seeing stars 123
     Sep 10, 2013 | Etsy is now run by a bunch of narcissistic immature people. Sellers and buyers are perma-muted for saying anything against the mighty Etsy. Sales for shops plummet mysteriously when anything is said against new policies. Etsy seems to forget who pays the bills. |
     Sep 9, 2013 | Seriously disappointed.Threads closed, posts removed, people muted for speaking their mind & giving Etsy feedback - ironic given their latest roll out of a seriously flawed and destructive new feedback system. All this tested on live shops and therefore on people's livelihoods. Customer Support almost non existent and only appeared on forum this week probably because they'd seen their ratings here! Totally lacking professionalism & disregards own TOUs by allowing mass produced resellers. |
Carlos Danger
     Sep 9, 2013 | What was once a great venue has been ruined by Chad allowing resellers to over run the site. The worst part is if anyone dare say anything in the forums, they get muted. I see one that was just muted and selling well until a forum post and those sales that came in every day are gone, not one sale in 12 days when before his comment he had several every day. They are using him to pass along a message that if you speak up, your sales will suffer. They can control your sales, but swear they don't. |
     Sep 9, 2013 | Longtime seller leaving for good. The place is full of mass produced factory junk, they dont even try to hide it any more. Report it and nothing happens. Mention it in the forums and you get muted. Worst customer service ever. I emailed them with an urgent account problem several times and got no reply. A week later I got a survey asking how my question was handled. IT WASNT, YOU IDIOTS. |
     Sep 9, 2013 | Etsy is still cheaper than craft fair fees, but lately we've been lost in a sea of manufactured goods. Despite assurances they were stepping up policing and kicking resellers off, just the opposite has happened. I've reported shops in my category selling mass produced garbage. I've provided links to the same item on alibaba and even listed the wholesaler/manufacture in China. Etsy has done nothing and these companies dominate the search results by relisting. At some point its simply Fraud! |
     Sep 8, 2013 | So sad. It used to be so great, but it is over. |
     Sep 8, 2013 | CEO seems bent on running this into the ground for all but resellers. He even featured one of them in his list and theyre often featured in emails. Etsy just isn't the place anymore for handmade. |
     Sep 8, 2013 | Etsy has gone downhill. I never thought I'd say this, but bring back Rob Kalin. He might've been immature for his leadership role, and he might've waved a knife around in an interview--but I'd rather have someone waving a knife in front of my face than stabbing me in the back multiple times over. If I wanted eBay, I'd sell on eBay, and the star rating system is atrocious. Thanks for nothing, Etsy. Checking out Zibbet and Shopify now! |
     Sep 8, 2013 | No phone support. No responses to emails. Security breaches far too often: credit card numbers , sellers' real names emailed to their fans, another time published on site, but won't let us delete cards from them, Mass manufacturers parading as individual sellers of handmade or vintage goods, & copyright infringers, all profit for themselves and Etsy who claims no knowledge, Muting forever (banning from commenting in forums etc.) any who speak out. Etsy is the worst of Facebk/Amazon/eBay. |
Watching the Wheels
     Sep 8, 2013 | Why bother? It's a "money changer" driven, window dressing, company with little comprehension in reality, ethics, or quality. |
unhappy seller/buyer
     Sep 7, 2013 | Etsy used to be a great marketplace for handmade, vintage and supplies.
I've been selling and buying there since 2007 until last week, When they changed the feedback system to stars reviews :(
I'm just another sad seller that packing and moving my stuff to sell somewhere else, I'm keeping my 100% feedback. |
     Sep 7, 2013 | Originally Etsy had a wonderful concept of selling handmade.As the sellers spread the word and Etsy grew,a handful of very greedy people literally through the man who started the site out like yesterdays trash. ETSY has become abusive to it's customers by perma-muting their opinions about the service that their PAY for. Etsy is allowing mass manufacturers to LIE and say their cheap bubble necklaces are handmade in small shops.
Until Etsy returns to it's original mission,It's just more crap. |
     Sep 6, 2013 | Put your time and energy and put it into a stand alone web site, buy elsewhere.
It is set up as a fascist system where shops are encouraged to report and police others to a narcissistic group of administrators.
It has no customer service, mutes and boots shop and buyers who dare to post anything in the least bit questioning of the site, has vague every changing rules and polices, the site is unstable, tests developing features unannounced on live shops, and no phone support. Supposedly only handmade by you, vintage, and supplies, are to be sold on the site. Etsy turns it's head to the rampant influx of poor quality factory produced items that they allow to masquerade as handmade.
If that doesn't scare you, the CEO of the company says he " believes in the manifest destiny" of the site. You should reconsider opening up a shop or buying on Etsy, because it's run by a megalomaniac who thinks it is his obvious and unavoidable destiny allotted by Providence to take over world commerce at any and cost to others, including the shops there.
     Sep 6, 2013 | Etsy used to be a great place to sell and buy. But in the last couple years it has gone straight downhill. With all the constant needless changes, forced tests, and complete lack of respect for its sellers, it has become a very uninviting place to either buy or sell. The new review system is riddled with flaws. The ongoing trend of muting from the forums anyone who had valid concerns should be a huge red flag to any who choose to sell or shop there. |
     Sep 6, 2013 | TERRIBLE! Non-existent customer service. No phone service. Good luck getting an answer through email. LOTS of Chinese resellers. Called "collectives" now on Etsy and allowed. Forums are a joke. If you say something bad about them, they shut it down & bury it. Buyers & sellers are unwitting Guinea pigs for new "features". Several privacy breaches recently. New Feedback is AWFUL-and they could care less. It's all about the $$ to them. DON'T OPEN A SHOP HERE! Used to be a good venue. What a shame. |
     Sep 5, 2013 | I am a long time Etsy seller. I waited to leave this review to see what they would do regarding the new rating system. Their answer was loud and clear, after over 12,000 posts from unhappy sellers and buyers, they chose to shut down the thread. We have been silenced once again. They show no respect for their customers or ours, there is no customer service what so ever. They are constantly running tests that cause dramatic drops in views and sales. The resellers are literally taking over the site |
     Sep 5, 2013 | I am a seller who is also moving to Zibbet. I worked hard every day to be found on Etsy I would rather put my efforts toward a venue who wants to work with & for me. Chad Dickerson is the nail in the coffin for all things handmade on Etsy. Even the sweetest frosting can turn on you- remember that Etsy. |
     Sep 5, 2013 | Etsy has become erratic and once steady sales fluctuate up and down with each NEW "improvement". I no longer recommend it to anyone. |
     Sep 5, 2013 | Done with all the changes with no prior notice. |
     Sep 5, 2013 | Very poor customer service. Almost no communication with sellers. Starting to take over shops & listings. Changes hint and coming sale of site. Chad is giving a speech saying "be the change you want to see", but then sellers are not treated fairly at all. |
     Sep 5, 2013 | Making changes without telling sellers and buyers is BAD news the new feedback system is not good and sales have now tanked. Worse they are not listening. |
     Sep 5, 2013 | I would not recommend to anyone that they start a shop on etsy. Several administrative changes are making it nearly impossible to prosper on the site, especially if you are not already an established shop. Expensive and time consuming as well. |
Serious Buyer
     Sep 5, 2013 | In '06, etsy was a haven to find vintage, quality handmade items and craft supplies. The vision was to connect artists & sellers directly with buyers.
Over the years, the focus has made a 180â—¦ turn. They now pretend that cheap, mass produced goods from overseas are handmade. Copyright infringement is not discouraged. They treat buying and selling customers like they ignorant. Etsy permanently mutes credible contributors in the forums. Navigation, Integrity & Customer Service is near ZERO stars |
     Sep 4, 2013 | As a seller since 2009, I have seen Etsy go downhill on a fast track to nowhere. Etsy used to be a nice friendly place to buy and sell, but that feeling no longer exists. Almost every change they have made has done nothing but hurt the sellers. Now with the new "review" system I can take it no more. I'm off to look for a new venue to sell my items, somewhere I'll be appreciated. |
Ron Doe
     Sep 4, 2013 | Used to be a great place to sell handmade, not any more. Overrun with mass produced factory made crap.
Nonexistent customer service. No phone, if they ever do get around to responding to email, you get a canned reply that does not address your problem.
Repeated problems with releasing customer personal data.
Regularly 'tests' new functions on random sets of customers with no warning.
Admin does not listen to sellers, any questions or negative comments are dismissed condescendingly. |
     Sep 4, 2013 | Performance, Reliability - Constant "tests" leave the site in turmoil regularly.
Ease of Use - Above, plus no guest checkout
Customer Service - Non-existent. Etsy goes out of its way to have no customer service. No phone support. Emails take days for a response, and replies are irrelevant copy-pastes. Worse, Etsy implements changes to leave sellers at even bigger risk of buyer blackmail.
Value - Flooded by cheap, factory-made items masquerading as "handmade" or "vintage". |
     Sep 4, 2013 | I was going to leave at least a 3 for performance, thinking it meant performance of the site...which is not so reliable when you have to continuously redo your entire shop due to their never ending major changes...
But 'performance' is subjective. I had to change my feedback to 1 star, because their Admin performance is almost unspeakable. Sellers are outright either ignored, or permenantly muted for voicing our concerns there. 1 Star. It was 4-5 star in 2010. |
     Sep 4, 2013 | Etsy crossed a line this past week (after crossing several others, in this year alone) with the roll-out of a deeply flawed new feedback system based on 5-stars, like this one is. It's already proving dismal for both buyers and sellers -- buyer feedback wiped out, loss of privacy in purchasing, unable to respond to problem feedbacks, etc. etc.. Etsy admins say everything's wonderful, and we just need to settle down and get used to it! Ironic, then, to be wielding yellow stars right back at them. |
     Sep 4, 2013 | Huge downfall over past year. Feedback system is completely hosed. Too many tests wreck sales. Coders can deploy code with no supervision. Constant mutings for any disagreement with Etsy cupcakes. Resellers's a joke. I am making less than 1/3 of what I made last year. Time to spread out. |
     Sep 4, 2013 | If the sellers on Etsy ran their shops the way Etsy runs it's business- there would be NO Etsy. Which at this point I think would be a blessing. Their blatant ignoring of sellers and buyers requests to at least ANSWER their concerns about the new policies has been unbelievable. I have closed my shop and will NEVER buy on Etsy again, I know where the sellers are going or I know their websites. NOT ONE PENNY of mine will ever go in Etsy's pocket again! I am doing fine on my own! Thanks for nothing |
     Sep 4, 2013 | Seems to be a HUGE security breach aprx every 15-18 months. Famous for non-existent customer service. To quote an admin, it may take "5 hours to 5 years". Ignore emails from buyers & sellers then delete their posts & close their threads when they come to the forums for answers. Rules applied arbitrarily.
Heavy promotion of mass produced, cheap trademark infringing items. No shipping calculator still. No way to batch edit every listing. No quick efficient way to batch update shipping in listings |
     Sep 4, 2013 | Had seen some red flags the fist year, unfortunately I ignored them. The constant changes made to the site, made it difficult as a newbie to gauge how your shop was doing. 3 years later, the changes are daily now not every few months.
If you like being a Lab Rat in an experiment daily, then this is the place for you.
If you want to run a your business on a good solid steady foundation, then run for the hills.
No phone support, no customer support, no freedom of speech, no class. |
     Sep 3, 2013 | Bad customer service No phone,and emails often go unanswered. Sellers have to beg for help in the forums and risk being reprimanded or worse.
Etsy is always running tests on shops and makes changes at random with no warning which results in lost sales for sellers. Site is no longer easy to use or reliable because of this.
Changes are leaving sellers unprotected from scammers and re sellers are running rampant.
Voice your opinion and you risk getting permanently muted. Not a happy place! |
     Sep 3, 2013 | where you can buy and sell all massed produced factory crap. |
     Sep 3, 2013 | Disappointed, disillusioned and disgusted with the changes they have made and for the direction they seem to be taking. They have taken away the seller's voice and made it easier for the extortionist buyers to take advantage of them. They have been allowing resellers for some time now and are gearing the site towards them as that is where they see the most profits for them.
Shame on you Etsy. You've betrayed us all. |
     Sep 3, 2013 | Lack of customer service in any form except canned email replies is a huge negative, especially in light of the constant problems Etsy creates with its unannounced testing on the live site. Sellers have no idea what their shop will look like to buyers on any given day and the recent feedback debacle is simply another sample of Etsy forgetting who its real customers are: the sellers. |
     Sep 3, 2013 | No phone support or even decent email support for that matter! Customer service is non-existent. Only use Direct Checkout at your own risk because Etsy does not respect your privacy or the security of your name and/or financial information.(Google it). Etsy is run like a dictatorship and they watch you and play favorites big-time (think George Orwell's 1984). You can and will be censored or silenced from ever speaking your mind in the forums again. It really doesn't matter what you say, if they don't like you, you're OUT, and that could even mean they close your shop on a whim with no prior warning or reason,with no recourse. You are a guinea pig for all their constant experiments and tests, thanks to Chad Dickerson, Marc Hedlund and their ridiculous "code as craft" nonsense, certainly no way to run what could and should be an amazing venue on which to sell and buy. Good luck finding the genuine handmade goods, fine art, vintage and supplies, because you will spend hours sifting through the thousands of resellers of factory mass-produced cheap junk. Such a waste of what was supposed to be a wonderful venue. Chad Dickerson and his investors should be ashamed of themselves. Where is the humanity? (ETA: It seems that Marc Hedlund was booted last week. Good riddance, I say, but was he used as a scapegoat with all the unflattering press recently, or did he know something that we don't yet?)
     Sep 3, 2013 | Etsy is no longer what it once purported to be. The reality is that handmade and vintage are being crowded out, undercut, and buried by cheap reseller junk. Etsy is fully aware of this, but does nothing because the resellers make them money.
Their customer service may as well be non-existent (and in some cases it actually is non-existent - an actual, honest-to-god response from one of their forum admins: responses to seller issues could take anywhere from "five minutes to five years."). |
     Sep 3, 2013 | Etsy is a good place to learn to sell online. It is a terrible place if you think there are areas to improve one. If you dare speak out in the public forums of their shortcomings, they ban you from the forums. Then if you mention in a post that some one got muted, they mute you too.
And what's up with that no phone support? |
     Sep 3, 2013 | I find the overall workings of the site a failure. There is no customer service. Sellers have to goto the forums to look for help and then get muted for the most minor objection to one of Etsy numerous flaws. As Small shops with expensive items have no way of competing with all the resellers drowning out the real artists. So far as value, its not good due to the fact that my views have dropped consistently and Etsy is constantly doing "Tests" on the live site with no regard for anyone. |
     Sep 3, 2013 | Etsy has demonstrated its utter disregard for buyers and sellers alike. This is feedback change isn't the first time by far, but it IS the worst time. 1000s have voiced their displeasure, Etsy simply doesn't care. I'm moving on; I don't care anymore either. |
     Sep 3, 2013 | No phone or live support and ambiguous rules. Forum moderators mute sellers and delete comments arbitrarily according to each one's interpretation of forum rules.
Constant experiments and changes, without warning or dialogue, that negatively impact seller's ability to run their shops.
     Sep 3, 2013 | The quality of traffic and customers at etsy has gone way down in the recent years. Buyers have caught on to the fact that etsy is using real artisans to whore out their made in china bullshit "collective" shops which are almost all located in china. The general public really relies on establishing trust with online selling venues and that goes for both quality and security. Etsy has ZERO customer service but is trying to push THEIR credit card acceptance as a method of payment. SCARY. |
     Sep 3, 2013 | Poorly run, pathetic customer service. Little concern for buyers, sellers, site integrity, or really anything other than the bottom line. Site promotes products that they know are not handmade as handmade, which should concern both sellers and buyers. |
     Sep 3, 2013 | I am a seller at etsy. It is expensive to sell on etsy once you add the selling fees, the payment fees and the relisting fees. There is no customer service and I rated it 1 for reliability because etsy makes frequent changes, does not notify sellers and these changes often end in lost sales. I wish there were other sites out there that could compete with Etsy. I would leave in a heartbeat. And I am sure Etsy knows they are the leader and that is why they don't care about me or other sellers. |
     Sep 3, 2013 | I prospered @ Etsy, & enjoyed the camaraderie & community. But a rash of recent changes were poorly conceived & executed, & repercussions have been extraordinarily poorly handled by the youthful staff. The dismissive disrespect that administration shows to both buyers & sellers is staggering. Add to that: ongoing glitches in overall site function, lack of seller tools, censorship & muting in public fora, privacy issues, lack of customer service, & utter lack responsiveness by upper management. |
     Sep 3, 2013 | Seller/buyer since 2006. A shame that etsy has morphed into a greedy corporate machine, lead by Chad Dickerson, now devoted to $. No proper customer service, no phone support, yet they process your money like a bank. Constant testing and dramatic site changes without any notice at all is unprofessional and extreme. This last sweep with the new rating system that muted sellers voices and removed ALL buyer feedback history like trash, hit hard insulting everyone involved. NEG 1 Star down the line. |
     Sep 3, 2013 | A selling venue that has no respect for it's customers. Once the place for handmade now being taken over by cheap sweat shop products. A company that redefined handmade to mean factory produced. The biggest of the Handmade venues, but hopefully not for much longer, decent competition would improve things all round and now is the ideal time for the competition to step up and take the mantle.
How can a business that offers its own checkout system not have phone support? |
     Sep 3, 2013 | Been selling on Etsy since 2008. Sick and tired of all the latest feedback changes and their overall disregard for the very people who butter their bread: we, the shop owners. Admin seems to be a bunch of hippie young kids who have no respect for ALL shop owners and they show much bias towards their favorites. I am looking for a different site to do business with. |
     Sep 3, 2013 | Thank you |
     Sep 3, 2013 | I have been buying and selling on Etsy since 2008. I am DONE! I am not so upset with the feedback system, even though it is leading and based in negativity. I am really angry about the lack of respect that Etys shows its customers. Almost 11,000 responses to their announcement, most upset over it, with many questions and how do they answer our concerns... with silence! If I treated my customers that way, I would be out of business. Bye Bye Etsy, you will not get one more dime from me! |
     Sep 3, 2013 | Have been selling and buying on Etsy since 2006.
The latest fiasco with the new star rating program is simply infuriating. Poorly designed, juvenile, and not in the best interest of anyone who buys or sells. I can no longer leave my valued customers feedback. My own buyer feedback was obliterated. |
     Sep 3, 2013 | Unfortunately I will no longer be recommending Etsy as an online art/supplies selling venue. Their recent thoughtless "star" feedback system inherently favors irate or crooked buyers. Buyers, even the good ones, no longer receive any feedback. Period. My years of excellent buying feedback there are totally gone. Sellers can't respond to unfair/untrue negative reviews. A shame to see the demise of what was once a great and fun site. Not recommended. |
     Sep 2, 2013 | I loved Etsy once but after 3 years and watching the unfairness of how they arbitrarily shut down some people's shops, but not others (with the same issue), continuing to allow resellers, continuing to allow massive copyright infringement all over the site, and the new "review" system, and then doing "secret" testing and removing paypal from accts without the seller knowing- and no buyer feedback anymore- I QUIT- it's the WORST now! |
     Sep 2, 2013 | There is no phone support, email support takes days to get a response, new features are routinely tested on the live site jeopardizing seller's income, changes are made that pad Etsy's bottom line, but leave sellers out in the cold. No longer a "handmade, vintage, and supply" site any more, lots of cheap junk stuff cluttering things up. Going downhill fast. |
     Sep 2, 2013 | No phone support or even decent email support! Use Direct Checkout at your own risk, because Etsy has no respect for your privacy. Customer service is non-existent. Etsy treats it's sellers and buyers like crap (except of course for their money making resellers). They constantly run "experiments" to the detriment of the sellers and buyers, and the feedback system has always been just terrible, but the new star rating system is absolutely horrendous and totally unfair for the sellers. |
     Sep 2, 2013 | The site is buggy a lot of the time, they really should hire professional coders. The new feedback sucks. There is no help on weekends. It has gone downhill since I started selling there, it is to bad they are allowing all the resellers, I guess they like money more than a clean handmade site. People are leaving in droves but maybe that is what they want. It really is sad to see Etsy spiralling down. I am looking for a new venue.. |
     Sep 2, 2013 | Etsy does little to protect its sellers, which makes it hard for me to feel comfortable in their marketplace. The new feedback system makes it easy for hardworking artisans to be scammed and blackmailed by seedy online buyers. They also lack proper customer service. Sellers have made it clear what it is they need to feel confident about selling on Etsy, but the powers that be could care less. |
Roux Chat
     Sep 2, 2013 | I would have rated higher than 3 for value except when I have to constantly find workarounds to poorly thought out and implemented "improvements," the value drops. My time is worth money. More time explaining to new customers how the site works because they cannot figure out how to purchase, and more of my time trying to do damage control means the site is costing me a lot more than on the surface. It's a real shame. |
     Sep 2, 2013 | It has changed especially in the last year, becoming like ebay and amazon, no longer seems to be a handmade made Designer Haven, and buyers beware of non authentic goods.
VC Investors - Etsy is compromised.
Kind of like own Goverment right now. Its sad, was such a beautiful thing. But sellers are going to other Communities that are in integrity so watch for em! |
     Sep 2, 2013 | Too disappointed to say much. The negatives are starting to outweigh the positives, especially if you are an international seller. |
     Sep 2, 2013 | Etsy has taken a once vibrant site of artisans who wanted a venue to sell their items and completely destroyed it by allowing resellers, muting people, shutting innocent shops down for voicing opinions, instituted this extremely unfair feedback system, not to mention trying to limit a buyers ability for payment options by trying to get rid of PayPal. If I could give 0's for reliability and customer service, I would have. Oh, and let's not forgot, no customer service phone support, at all! |
     Sep 2, 2013 | Without warning Etsy instituted a new feedback/review system on 8/26 based on stars, you know, those 1-5 ratings. This is a system ripe for abuse. Most all shops began with 5 stars which will slowly be whittled away by all the 4's and under. After all, with 5 equaling "love it" one would be hard put to love any inanimate object. I love my husband, my cats, my siblings. I don't love pillows. What Etsy has done is shameful and has the potential to effect many shopowners livelihoods. Shame on Etsy! |
     Sep 2, 2013 | Performance- 3 stars. It's ok. Not fond of the build on bugs model currently used by Etsy.
Reliability- 2 stars. Too many site glitches to mention.
Ease of use- 2 stars. Clunky and awkward for both buyers and sellers.
Customer service- 1 star. Nonexistent.
Value- 4 stars- It's cheap but you get what you pay- a staff that borders on incompetence.
Final thoughts?
A great deal of Etsy PR is wasted trying to gloss over dissent. Staff is immature and unprofessional. |
     Sep 2, 2013 | Etsy needs to get rid of the new "review" system and listen to their sellers and buyers about the major flaws in the new system. |
     Sep 2, 2013 | Etsy has become the biggest cop out second only to ebay. Big sewer, little sewer, doesn't matter, they're both sewer. |
     Sep 2, 2013 | I wish there was an option to leave zero stars, especially for customer service, as they have none. There is no way to actually contact a person at Etsy, only an email address from which you get a canned response. Reliability is another aspect I would like to give zero stars to - with how my head is spinning from all the random, unwanted changes they keep making, it makes it hard to know what's around the next corner, and it doesn't help that they are in no way communicative about it. Terrible. |
     Sep 2, 2013 | Etsy has instituted a new star FB system that is detrimental to sellers. It also does not allow people to speak freely in their forums. They not only delete posts and threads but they mute people to the point that they can never and I mean never post in the forums again. There is no way to get that ability back so in essence you are never allowed to say anything in the forums for fear of being permanently muted or permamuted as it is called in the forums. |
     Sep 2, 2013 | Etsy offers the most lack luster customer service on the web I have ever dealt with. Wait times run 1 to 5 plus day. I recently had an issue and it took 11 emails and 4 days later to receive a reply. There is no 24/7 service or even a number to call for very important issues with their site. They make unannounced changes that dramatically change the landscape of their website and then they have to scramble to fix their launches because they are poorly thought out. |
     Sep 2, 2013 | I have been a loyal seller at Etsy since 2008. I pay my monthly bills every month , and promote 60% of my week trying to drive traffic to Etsy not only for me, but for other shops as well. I have sent MANY sellers to Etsy in the past, but this new 5 star review system is a slap in the face from Etsy to sellers and buyers alike. Sellers no longer have a voice. Very upsetting that Etsy can treat its bread and butter this way. How do you like your 5 star system now ETSY!!! |
     Sep 2, 2013 | I am a seller. Etsy takes 3-10 days to answer emails. They are VERY good at getting your product found IF you post product every day (min $6/month). The feedback system asks customers if there is anything they didn't like, AWFUL. No buyer feedback. NO way to explain if a customer leaves completely ridiculous feedback because they are rating you on the USPS losing your package or having not read the description. Etsy allows sweat shops to post as handmade. Buyers complain about feedback system. |
     Sep 2, 2013 | Customer service at Etsy is nonexistent. With their latest changes in "review" system they lost respect of thousands sellers and buyers. They show lack of professionalism and integrity in their decision making. Very disappointed. |
     Sep 2, 2013 | This site is losing trust and faith of the business owner/craft people. Factories pretend to be "collectives" selling cheap goods probably made with slave labor then sell as handmade here. Place need to wake up before its too late. Supposed to be handmade site with diverse goods. Still true but even a couple years already different and more difficult to find real jewelry made by artists. If i want cheap I go to Walmart |
     Sep 2, 2013 | Customer service for Sellers (Etsy's customers) is Non-existant, email doesn't get answered, no phone number, no response to direct questions via forums, twitter or facebook. Customer neeeds are often disregarded, and random changes to the code and tests on live shops are occurring all the time. There also seems to be rolling black outs so your shop might be rendered invisible for long periods of time.
Should we mention privacy and security issues? |
     Sep 2, 2013 | Not a good place to sell anymore.Etsy has recently changed their feedback policy to only let buyers leave feedback and the sellers cannot respond in kind, leaving sellers open to scammers . Etsy used to be a wonderful place to sell. Now resellers who make mass produced items are selling on what was once a handmade and vintage venue.
There is a mass exodus of sellers occuring even as this is being read. |
     Aug 11, 2013 | ETSY is dead for me this year. Not ONE sale all year. Sad. |
The End
     May 28, 2013 | Thanks to ETSY, after experiencing THE BEST year of my business since 2004, and having suffered the recent demise of the Google Shopping Cart, I've decided - the best strategy to selling my art pieces from my website is to directly link each piece to an ETSY listing page. It's really paying off. I simply link the "Buy It Now" button on my site to my art piece listing on ETSY. VOILA ! It doesn't get any better than this :o)
     Mar 3, 2013 | This site USED to be "For all things handmade", it is no longer! Once garbage from China came in and saturated the "handmade" categories, it snowballed out of control. Now staff open the door wide because that is where the fees are getting paid!
I had a handmade product that sold well for $60 until crap from China flooded the market for TWO FRIGGING DOLLARS! Well, it's pretty obvious where the buyer is going to put their money, isn't it? $2 beats $60 any day! It's now just "Ebay West"! |
     Jan 6, 2013 | New to this venue after 10+ years spent trying other less than perfect sites, I sold more on Etsy in a month than on ALL other venues combined for a year. To my vintage business, Etsy proved easy to use, performent, never had any technical problems, customer service is prompt and helpful. All in all a good venue for my business.
The "favourites" system however seems a bit unnerving, as it reminds me of the futility of the "watching system" on eBay. People watch/favourite but never buy.
     Jan 6, 2013 | I have only been using this service for a few months and haven't taken advantage of the networking possibilites or visited their forums. I did start getting sales right away and listing items is a breeze. I wish sales were better but perhaps that comes with more inventory. Rather inexpensive, I'm pleased so far |
     Dec 2, 2012 | Constant harassment of vintage sellers by admin over whether items are vintage or not. They have a shockingly huge problem with counterfeit designer merchandise but their main priority appears to be the constant harassment of vintage sellers. If you make counterfeit merchandise using the Chanel, Fendi, LV, Coach, etc. name and logo Etsy will embrace you. Try to list an item that is 18 years old not 20 and they will close your shop.
     Dec 1, 2012 | Never had a problem that I could not resolve with a few keystrokes. They even allow disputes to be resolved quickly and easily between sellers and buyers. |
Bijoux Dragon
     Nov 24, 2012 | I recently came to Etsy from Ruby Lane because of their changes. I wasn't expecting much and have been pleasantly surprised. Not only sales but super people and sellers respected. They have exceeded my expectastions! |
     May 20, 2012 | Etsy does not have the traffic that Ebay has but it is a friendlier place to sell. The handmade and crafts are promoted more than the vintage but I still do fair sellling vintage on Etsy. I do find it a little hard to navigate when trying to buy.
     Mar 10, 2012 | I find the social aspect needed to get sales on Etsy (circles, teams, etc.) exhausting, and mostly a waste of time.
     Jan 31, 2012 | A great venue IF you have handmade items to sell - if your product is not arts/crafts you are wasting your time. I have a limited number of handmade items, and they sell very well on Etsy, and selling them at 20 cents p/listing works great for me. Be smart enough to sell the products the venue is for, and don't try to stuff square pegs in round holes - and you will love etsy & make sales!
     Jan 24, 2012 | High performing, easy to use site with great tools. I've had an Etsy shop for 3.5 years and of the sites tried (Etsy, Artfire, Zibbet) Etsy is vastly superior. There is a built in customer base and I have daily sales. Twenty cents a listing which lasts for 4 months and a small FVF make Etsy a WINNER! They have made quite a few smart changes over the past year. I am grateful! |
     Jan 24, 2012 | We love/hate Etsy!
Sales are decent and consistent but about a 10th of eBay store.
People are nice and they feature a lot but traffic from the OUTSIDE of Etsy is suspect. 90% of sales are to other Etsians.
Listing one item at a time, one picture at a time just plain sucks up major studio time. The site itself is minimal in programming sophistication: need auto-notificiations for items expiring, for example, custom ID field for inventory purposes, calculated shipping by buyer zip, to name a few. |
     Jan 24, 2012 | Much better than the alternatives for handmade and vintage. I think supplies do very well there, too. Easy to use, reliable, and far more traffic than other handmade sites. As an example, vs. You get what you pay for. |
     Jan 24, 2012 | I;n new so I can't speak to value or customer service. I found it easy to add and edit items. I joined a team and we are helping each other with promotions. I am happy to be on a stable large site. |
     Jan 24, 2012 | Great traffic, lots of views, terrific sales. Enough to quit my day job. Fabulous site, only issue is customer service, no phone number seems weird for a site this large. |
     Jan 24, 2012 | It only costs 20 cents to sell on Etsy. Their solution to everything is to mute and ban, and they really do HATE their sellers, since they make their big money off selling your data to search ad companies. After spending $40 a month in listing fees alone, topped with drama, spyware, RESELLERS, and mutings, I decided to move elsewhere and am MUCH happier. If this is your sole venue for your livelihood, beware. Too many crazies on this site, since the barrier to entry is too low. |
     Jan 24, 2012 | Etsy is not perfect but certainly a good venue to use. I have had success on this venue. I also find it fairly easy to use. With built in traffic and extra exposure from search engines traffic has been terrific. Sales were very strong during the 2011 holiday season. I would recommend this site for new sellers. |
     Jan 23, 2012 | Etsy is not easy to use. You pay for each listing instead of a flat rate fee. In order to be seen, you must relist and you also pay for each relisting. This can end up very costly. You must be registered in order to buy, which turns some people off. |
     Jan 23, 2012 | I think this site is okay, but of the four sites I sell on I like it the least. It's the most expensive, and I really dislike how many sellers have to beg in order to be syndicated (submitted to Google Shopping). |
     Jan 22, 2012 | All in all, a good site for a beginner to online sales. Low upfront cost, lots of tools and traffic. |
     Jan 17, 2012 | Stable venue. Easy to use. A great place to raise a small craft business. |
     Jan 17, 2012 | Easy to use. Reliable. Has lots of traffic. |
     Jan 17, 2012 | Etsy is by far the best venue for handmade. I was on Artfire and Etsy is so much better to use, navigate and search. Listing is a breeze and people on Etsy are very nice and helpful. I have had some good sales and love that my items are showing in google shopping. The reliablity on Etsy is fantastic. No bugs at all which is wonderful.I would rather pay the fees on Etsy then the fixed rate at a place where sales and buyers were few and far and bugs were daily. Etsy is Top Notch! |
     Jan 16, 2012 | Etsy is the best venue for handmade artisans, no other venue compares. |
sally sad
     Jan 16, 2012 | I just came back to Etsy from ArtFire. I am very pleased with the relevancy search. I am selling very well and do not mind not paying a flat rate, which actually was more expensive over a period of 4 months when I sold practically nothing. Since Chad Dickerson was made CEO and Rokali left, the site is much better for the non- Goliath sellers like me. |
     Jan 16, 2012 | Site is well known, lost of customers easily find my shop there. Pay as you go fee structure is preferable to high flat rates. Interface to cart/checkout works well. In 4 years have only had 2 or 3 issues with customers having ordering problems. Only downside is the inability to feasible list in quantity. Made to order items are best listed in quantities > 1 so I end up creating reserved listings for these. Overall, the site works, is priced fair and is increasing in name recognition. |
     Jan 16, 2012 | I highly recommend this site. Easy to use, fast Customer service replies and many sales and good sellers on the site that I have purchased from. I feel safe inmy transactions as the cart has no problems, and I get immediate responses if there are questions on an item with a seller. As a seller there, I am amazed at the tools, stats and abilities to network and promote items in my store and others stores. Joinging a team like Top Sellers or Crafters was a big deal for me as well. |
     Jan 16, 2012 | After returning to Etsy from a 2 year hiatus on Artfire which turned out to be a huge disappointment, I am thrilled with the changes they've made to areas such as their search. I've made more sales there in 4 months than I did in the same time frame on Artfire. |
     Dec 20, 2011 | I have had a shop on Etsy for 3 years and have done well. But... The cost of doing business on Etsy is very high. It is not quite as high a eBay, but it is a close second. If all my Etsy sales had been on Zibbet or ArtFire instead, I would save an average of $180 per month in fees that I could put back into my business or my pocket. |
     Oct 9, 2011 | Etsy has been screwing up everything with all the changes they've made recently. Sales have dropped like a stone, as a result. It wreaked all this havoc, causing sales to become non-existent, THEN added the Search Ads, which were a disaster and not worth wasting money on. They better wake up and soon before their sellers start jumping ship en masse. They have VERY unhappy sellers there right now. |
     Oct 5, 2011 | Best all around selling site experience on the internet for my antiques & vintage merchandise. Etsy desperately needs reorganization of categories to better represent & define all sellers on the site. Easy to list. Easy to contact customers. Lots of positive interactions for members. |
     Oct 4, 2011 | Best value and absolutely the best option for handmade and vintage. Etsy is not perfect - many resellers and design thieves.. a little bit of the "DIY" mentality.. That being said, it has a large dedicated customer base. I can sell there if I have 2 items listed.. Lots of repeat customers - the search requires thoughtful tagging.. but all in all Etsy is our second best producer of sales after Amazon.. and that says quite a bit. Great Site. |
     Oct 4, 2011 | Horrible experience = becoming eBay#2 |
     Sep 18, 2011 | I sell vintage and did ok until they started the relevancy search, now I sell very little. It seems vintage is the unloved stepchild on Etsy, it is not promoted in any way. I'm looking at other venues. |
Night Sky
     Sep 16, 2011 | I find the site to be bland and awkward to navigate. Customer service is terrible. (I'm still waiting for a response to an email I sent a year ago.) Admin shows little consideration or appreciation for the sellers. Listing is clumsy. For medium to high volume sellers, it can be very expensive after paying the listing and final value fees. Shopping is confusing with links that yank you away from one shop and into another. Their attempt to become a social network is a turnoff for me. |
     Aug 24, 2011 | I have tried off and on selling on Etsy. I promote this store the same as other places I do, but still cannot get the views I am use to. Listings are not found in Google. I feel there is much favoritism here with syndicating for google, and how others are treated, and answered to. I had heard many good things about this place, but have not found any of it to be what I was looking for. I have done better with sites that are free, or a small monthly fee compared to Etsy. Was hoping for more here. |
     Aug 23, 2011 | Not sure why Etsy still after a year and a half won't "Synch" my shops with Google Shopping. I like the new one page lister and finally, the new relevancy search. There is still that pesky shipping calculator issue. Google Organic showing is very good but the feed doesn't seem consistent. I feel that Etsy may be on the right track now with the new mgmt in place. I hope so. This site has so much potential. |
     Aug 22, 2011 | Used to be a better place to shop and sell before they added on the tagging junk, takes too long to list an item, sales have dropped since the changes. Too many sellers offering items as handmade that are mass produced,mostly from China, and etsy does nothing about it. |
Nathalie Girard
     Aug 21, 2011 | Most shops are not syndicated. Sales have dropped significantly over the past two months for myself and several friends of mine. High cost of selling (commission, listing and relisting). Despite the new relevancy search, you still need to renew listings in the highly saturated jewelry category (or buy their new Ad Spots that will be displayed on search results pages). Not a fan of their social games. Cust. Service is abysmal. Ease of use is average. Lacks sellers tools. |
     Aug 21, 2011 | I like Etsy, but I find it hard to find what I want. I don't know about customer service because I've never tried to use it. I like that it provides an alternate to eBay for handcrafted items. I'm really glad it's out there. I would recommend it to a friend. |
     Aug 21, 2011 | Etsy is well known for promoting select stores and product types that make it impossible for most sellers to actually sell on the site. Other negatives include bad navigation and search, poor seller-relations, very poor rollout of new tools, and their lack of attention to quality control (huge reseller problem). Despite their size, reported profits and sales, less than 2% of their sellers actually sell. It's a big site with a tiny editorial perspective. Lousy CS |
     Aug 20, 2011 | Best alternative for selling vintage and handmade. Listing isn't quite as easy as it should be but otherwise platform runs reliably and sales can be made with a little marketing. Much easier to sell on than similar sites. Fees are reasonable. |
     Aug 20, 2011 | so far the only viable alternative to eBay for vintage and collectibles
while it does not have the traffic it has a great interface, upgrades/apps that increase ease of use and a search engine that is openly explained which gives a seller a fighting chance to optimize listings to be reliably seen. I give it a low star in ease of use because it seems social marketing is necessary for success on etsy and I find it hard to navigate how to do that, but their listing process is very easy. |
     Aug 20, 2011 | A simple, but very effective outlet for hand made products. My favorite among 4 that I use. |