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Established: 1982

Overall Rating:3.9 Stars - Overall Rating3.9 Stars - Overall Rating3.9 Stars - Overall Rating3.9 Stars - Overall Rating3.9 Stars - Overall Rating

Performance:4.2 Stars4.2 Stars4.2 Stars4.2 Stars4.2 Stars

Reliability:4.2 Stars4.2 Stars4.2 Stars4.2 Stars4.2 Stars

Ease Of Use:3.4 Stars3.4 Stars3.4 Stars3.4 Stars3.4 Stars

Customer Service:3.4 Stars3.4 Stars3.4 Stars3.4 Stars3.4 Stars

Value:4.2 Stars4.2 Stars4.2 Stars4.2 Stars4.2 Stars


Whether you're a high-volume warehouse shipper, running an e-commerce business or an office trying to get invoices out before the day is over, Endicia will simplify, improve and enhance your shipping experience. And, with our strong integrated partner program, we offer access to USPS shipping through more than 200 partner solutions.




Latest Reviews (5)

Don Wagner: I am a little worried that some people think...   3.0 Stars3.0 Stars3.0 Stars3.0 Stars3.0 Stars
macsbaby: I have been using this for about 6 years, and...   4.4 Stars4.4 Stars4.4 Stars4.4 Stars4.4 Stars

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Last Updated by Vendor: Feb 18, 2013

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