Treehouse Auctions Established: 2005Overall Rating:     Performance:     Reliability:     Ease Of Use:     Customer Service:     Value:     
DescriptionLocationsToronto, Ontario, Canada Hours: Tuesday-Friday 1:00-7:00 Saturdays by Appointment Only Closed Sunday/Monday
Listing FeesBasic Listing - Free
Standard Listing: $10.00 (fee waived if item sells)
Premium Listing: $20.00 (fee waived if item sells for over $500)Commission Fees50% on the first $40 35% on the next $40 - $1000 25% on the next $1000-$2000 20% on the remaining balance over $2000
(these rates are all-inclusive, including eBay and PayPal fees.)
Special flat rates are available for items such as event tickets, higher ticket items selling for over $2500, and vehicles.
Latest Reviews (0)Last Updated by Vendor: Aug 16, 2011 |