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Established: 1998

Overall Rating:5.0 Stars - Overall Rating5.0 Stars - Overall Rating5.0 Stars - Overall Rating5.0 Stars - Overall Rating5.0 Stars - Overall Rating

Performance:5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars

Reliability:5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars

Ease Of Use:5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars

Customer Service:5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars

Value:5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars


ShipRush streamlines parcel, freight, LTL shipping. Import orders from multiple sources, compare carrier rates and delivery dates, bulk print labels, and look up and track orders from any web browser. Only ShipRush provides true side-by-side carrier rates and delivery dates from one central rate dashboard; they also offer discount postage. ShipRush integrates with major shopping carts/marketplaces and CRM/Accounting systems; and USPS, UPS, FedEx, OnTrac, Worldwide Express, other carriers.


$29.95/month for up to 3 connected users. Go to to see how you might get this waived.


Deliv, DHL, DirectLink, FedEx, FedEx Freight, OnTrac, Pitney Bowes ClearPath, UPS, USPS, Worldwide Express

Latest Reviews (1)

Eli Mann: Easy to get started, support was quick and...   5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars

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Last Updated by Vendor: Feb 2, 2017

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