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Solid Commerce

Established: 2006

Overall Rating:4.1 Stars - Overall Rating4.1 Stars - Overall Rating4.1 Stars - Overall Rating4.1 Stars - Overall Rating4.1 Stars - Overall Rating

Performance:4.3 Stars4.3 Stars4.3 Stars4.3 Stars4.3 Stars

Reliability:4.2 Stars4.2 Stars4.2 Stars4.2 Stars4.2 Stars

Ease Of Use:3.7 Stars3.7 Stars3.7 Stars3.7 Stars3.7 Stars

Customer Service:4.2 Stars4.2 Stars4.2 Stars4.2 Stars4.2 Stars

Value:4.2 Stars4.2 Stars4.2 Stars4.2 Stars4.2 Stars


Solid Commerce provides multi-channel eCommerce platform focused on helping online retailers listing on various sale channels, including, eBay,, Yahoo Store. Synchronize inventory stock levels in real-time across multiple sale channels. Offers integration with existing inventory systems. Solid Commerce also offers a repricing tool for Amazon to automatically price products based on what other sellers offer. (Los Angeles, California)

Sites Supported

-eBay Listing
-eBay Orders Manager
-eBay Inventory Manager
-Amazon Listing
-Amazon Orders Manager
-Amazon Inventory Manager
-Volusion Listing
-Volusion Orders Manager
-Volusion Inventory Manager


Please check on our website for pricing

Platform (Hosted/PC/Mac)


Latest Reviews (6)

TVCoach: Their Cust Service team could never figure out...   1.8 Stars1.8 Stars1.8 Stars1.8 Stars1.8 Stars
jaymsmith: I have been with Solid Commerce for going on...   4.6 Stars4.6 Stars4.6 Stars4.6 Stars4.6 Stars

Read All Reviews

Last Updated by Vendor: Aug 9, 2011

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