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EBay Sellers Blackthorne

Established: 1995

Overall Rating:1.9 Stars - Overall Rating1.9 Stars - Overall Rating1.9 Stars - Overall Rating1.9 Stars - Overall Rating1.9 Stars - Overall Rating

Performance:2.0 Stars2.0 Stars2.0 Stars2.0 Stars2.0 Stars

Reliability:2.0 Stars2.0 Stars2.0 Stars2.0 Stars2.0 Stars

Ease Of Use:2.0 Stars2.0 Stars2.0 Stars2.0 Stars2.0 Stars

Customer Service:1.8 Stars1.8 Stars1.8 Stars1.8 Stars1.8 Stars

Value:2.0 Stars2.0 Stars2.0 Stars2.0 Stars2.0 Stars


EBay Sellers Blackthorne and Pro are eBay's all-in-one, desktop listing and sales management tools designed to save time. Seller's Assistant tools help medium to high volume sellers like you sell on eBay without needing to a constant Internet connection and can be customized to how you do business.

Sites Supported



EBay Sellers Blackthorne: $9.99/month

Seller's Assistant Pro:  $24.99/month

Platform (Hosted/PC/Mac)

Desktop - Windows

Latest Reviews (4)

TRSeller: As a power user, I find Blackthorne to be an...   4.8 Stars4.8 Stars4.8 Stars4.8 Stars4.8 Stars
Dr Dan: Like the Mother site, eBay, non-caring,...   1.0 Stars1.0 Stars1.0 Stars1.0 Stars1.0 Stars

Read All Reviews

Last Updated by Vendor: Aug 24, 2007

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