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Established: 1998

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Reliability:Not Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet Rated

Ease Of Use:Not Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet Rated

Customer Service:Not Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet Rated

Value:Not Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet Rated


When you snipe, BidRobot hides your eBay bids from other eBay bidders until it's too late for them to place a counter-bid against you. This helps you win more auctions and lowers the price you pay because it eliminates the emotional bidding war between bidders.

Because BidRobot places your bids for you from multiple servers, your computer can be switched off.

BidRobot's "Bid Groups" feature allows you to bid on multiple auctions for the same auction item. As soon as you win any one auction at the price you want, we'll automatically cancel your bids on the other similar auctions.


$34.95 for 12 month unlimited use

$19.95 for 6-month unlimited use

$3.95 for 3-week unlimited use

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Bids Per Week


When you snipe, BidRobot hides your eBay bids from other eBay bidders until it's too late for them to place a counter-bid against you. This helps you win more auctions and lowers the price you pay because it eliminates the emotional bidding war between bidders.

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Last Updated by Vendor: Aug 25, 2007

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