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Established: 2003

Overall Rating:3.0 Stars - Overall Rating3.0 Stars - Overall Rating3.0 Stars - Overall Rating3.0 Stars - Overall Rating3.0 Stars - Overall Rating

Performance:3.0 Stars3.0 Stars3.0 Stars3.0 Stars3.0 Stars

Reliability:3.0 Stars3.0 Stars3.0 Stars3.0 Stars3.0 Stars

Ease Of Use:3.0 Stars3.0 Stars3.0 Stars3.0 Stars3.0 Stars

Customer Service:3.0 Stars3.0 Stars3.0 Stars3.0 Stars3.0 Stars

Value:3.0 Stars3.0 Stars3.0 Stars3.0 Stars3.0 Stars


Nochex is an independent UK based online payment company specializing in providing smaller online businesses with simple, accessible, easy to use, online payment services. Provides all-in-one online payment services to small sellers and merchants making it easy for them to accept major credit and debit card payments.

How it Works

Provides all-in-one online payment services to small sellers and merchants. Easy to accept major credit and debit card payments.


Nochex Seller Account: 2.9% plus 20p per transaction.

Nochex Merchant Account: £50 setup charge, tiered charging structure and NO monthly fees!

Latest Reviews (2)

Nochexman: Works for online merchants and sellers, providing...   5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars
Craig: Nightmare. Very few buyers use it and if its not...   1.0 Stars1.0 Stars1.0 Stars1.0 Stars1.0 Stars

Read All Reviews

Last Updated by Vendor: Jan 9, 2009

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