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CET Domain, Inc.

Established: 2007

Overall Rating: Stars - Overall Rating Stars - Overall Rating Stars - Overall Rating Stars - Overall Rating Stars - Overall Rating

Performance:Not Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet Rated

Reliability:Not Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet Rated

Ease Of Use:Not Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet Rated

Customer Service:Not Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet Rated

Value:Not Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet RatedNot Yet Rated


CET Domain Inc. (iFunCity) has been in business since 2007 and has served customers from over 60 countries worldwide. We pride ourselves in our ability as a supplier to be one of the fastest growing drop ship sources out there, expanding our product line and offering great support to our partners. Our wholesale and drop ship services gives you full access to thousands of products that cater to many different niche markets and can help bring in extra sales to your business.



Physical Location

Santa Ana, CA

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Last Updated by Vendor: Feb 6, 2012

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