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Established: 2002

Overall Rating:4.8 Stars - Overall Rating4.8 Stars - Overall Rating4.8 Stars - Overall Rating4.8 Stars - Overall Rating4.8 Stars - Overall Rating

Performance:5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars

Reliability:5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars

Ease Of Use:5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars

Customer Service:4.0 Stars4.0 Stars4.0 Stars4.0 Stars4.0 Stars

Value:5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars


We have been bid sniping auctions since 2003, and offer an eBay sniping solution that is fully automated and simple to use.

In the past 10 years our bidding service has saved users over 5 million dollars on eBay auctions. The Powersnipe bid sniper system has been reviewed in Time Magazine and the Wall Street Journal.


$45.99/year, Unlimited Usage

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Powersnipe is an eBay Sniper and bid sniping service that automatically places your bid in the closing seconds of an eBay bidding auction, increasing your chance of winning. You tell us what you what to bid and we snipe eBay for you.

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Latest Reviews (1)

AuctionAddict: Very reliable and easy to use. The customer...   4.8 Stars4.8 Stars4.8 Stars4.8 Stars4.8 Stars

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Last Updated by Vendor: Mar 11, 2011

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