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Established: 2000

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Value:1.0 Stars1.0 Stars1.0 Stars1.0 Stars1.0 Stars


hyperWALLET Systems Inc. provides online and mobile payments, cross-border payments, prepaid card payments, and financial technology solutions to enterprise-level organizations across 4 continents. Consumers can send cash from their Wallet to any email address, offers Auction tools.

How it Works

Add Cash - Transfer funds directly from your financial institution.

Withdraw Cash - Move funds to any financial institution account in Canada or the United States.

Email Cash - Send Cash from your Wallet to any email address.

Auction Tools - Send or receive auction payments.
Foreign Exchange - Convert $CAD and $USD online.

Business Payments - Remittance, invoices, and web cheques.


Receive Cash Payment for an Auction Sale: 2.9 %, $5.00 max

CashOut to US Financial Institution US$:  account$0.75

More information here

Latest Reviews (1)

The End: SKIP IT : It's affiliated with PayPal....   1.0 Stars1.0 Stars1.0 Stars1.0 Stars1.0 Stars

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Last Updated by Vendor: Aug 24, 2007

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