Storefront Solutions and Shopping Carts
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Established: 2006

Overall Rating:4.8 Stars - Overall Rating4.8 Stars - Overall Rating4.8 Stars - Overall Rating4.8 Stars - Overall Rating4.8 Stars - Overall Rating

Performance:5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars

Reliability:5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars

Ease Of Use:4.0 Stars4.0 Stars4.0 Stars4.0 Stars4.0 Stars

Customer Service:5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars

Value:5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars5.0 Stars


Shopify is a fully hosted ecommerce solution that allows you to manage your online orders, inventory, customers and site design.

- PCI Compliant shopping cart and checkout for your store
- Over 120 pre-built themes to choose from
- 100% design control over all HTML and CSS
- Extensive integrations via the App Store, examples include: Mailchimp, Hubspot, Quickbooks, Olark LiveChat
- Integration with 3rd party fulfillment services and shipping rate calculators
- 1 on 1 on-boarding coaches

Open Source

No (Open API)

Platform (Hosted/PC/Mac)


Installed Base

Over 50000


FREE 14-day trial
Monthly plans starting at $14
No Bandwidth Fees!

SEO Features/Importer Tool

Full SEO control of title tags, meta description, linking structure and on-page content.

- EBay Importer
- Wordpress Importer
- Magento Importer

Payment Methods

Fully integrated with Paypal, Google Checkout,, Moneris, Beanstream and more than 50 other payment gateways.

Latest Reviews (1)

new hope: I'm honored to be the first to rate shopify. I...   4.8 Stars4.8 Stars4.8 Stars4.8 Stars4.8 Stars

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Last Updated by Vendor: Apr 22, 2013

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