Comments on: PayPal CEO Teases a January 25th Announcement Ecommerce Industry News Wed, 17 Jan 2024 15:54:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Shanna Wed, 17 Jan 2024 15:54:29 +0000 Could it be they will create a marketplace? When Paypal and eBay split, each signed the agreement stating eBay would not create their own payment system for 5 years, and Paypal would not create a marketplace for 5 years. It turned out that eBay began planning to create a payment system that same day. If Paypal never planned on creating a marketplace, why even put it in writing.

When eBay started Mangled Payments, this had to effect Paypal’s bottom line. Most payment on eBay before MP went through PP, and as individual sellers, PP took away all sales volume pricing, so everyone was paying the max 2.9%. Even if that same volume flowed through eBay’s PP account, they are paying 0.9% max, possibly less. Then these eBay sellers would leave a balance in their accounts to pay eBay fees, buy new stock, or just to shop with, and they made interest off of this float. No way eBay doesn’t sweep their PP account daily, if not hourly, of funds. This had to have effected their bottom line.

Granted, who would trust the leadership at PP to run a fair marketplace, with all of their latest nickel and diming uses, retracting seller protections, and increasing fees. But any competition in the marketplace arena would be good for sellers, as they would have to compete for sellers’ business.
