In September, eBay rolled out a change to its Authenticity Guarantee program in the Handbags category, and this month, it will make the same change in the Streetwear category.
eBay said Thursday that its authenticators currently notify buyers if an item they purchased doesn’t match the condition described in a listing. Going forward, eBay will notify Streetwear sellers of such discrepancies as well:
“Our current Streetwear authentication process includes 2 steps – 1. Authentication and 2. Listing accuracy. In some cases, items may be authentic but our experts discover a discrepancy between the item and what was described in the listing. When this happens, eBay communicates to the buyer what the discrepancy is and gives the buyer the opportunity to either proceed with the transaction or return the item back to the seller.
“In the new experience launching mid-February, both buyers and sellers will be alerted when a discrepancy is found with details of the issue.
“For Sellers, you will start getting notifications when a Listing Accuracy issue is found in Seller Hub and via email.
“For Buyers, Listing Accuracy details will be sent to your email along with new notifications in your Purchase History and View Order Details pages asking you to provide a response from a new ‘Inspection Details’ Page.”
eBay added Streetwear to its Focus categories that include Handbags, Sneakers, Watches, Trading Cards, and Auto Parts & Accessories. Streetwear is the 6th category to offer eBay Authenticity Guarantee.