Amazon has grown more comfortable telling sellers about tools available from third-parties. On Thursday, it published a post on its Amazon Advertising blog announcing two directories where sellers could find third-party services to help them advertise on the Amazon marketplace.
One is the Service Provider Network that offers services that help sellers execute and optimize Amazon ad campaigns:
“The Service Provider Network, now available on Seller Central, is a directory of service providers that have expertise in offering paid services relevant for global sellers. Advertising Optimization Services providers can help you improve your sponsored advertisement campaigns on Amazon. If you choose to retain a service provider, you will be contracting directly with them.”
The second directory is the Marketplace Appstore, which offers “technical tools to programmatically manage your ads” – Amazon describes it as offering tools rather than a managed service for those selling in the North American marketplace.
The Marketplace Appstore “lists paid tools created by external developers to help automate and manage advertising on Amazon. If you choose an app through the Appstore, you will work directly with the application provider.”
Amazon also invited businesses and developers interested in participating in the Service Provider Network or Marketplace Appstore to reach out to or, respectively.
We had reported in May that Amazon was working more closely with developers of seller tools through the Amazon Marketplace Developer Council and that it had launched the Marketplace AppStore for sellers.
Sellers can access the two directories in Seller Central.