Comments on: Do Black Friday Online Sales Portend Holiday Growth? Ecommerce Industry News Tue, 29 Nov 2022 21:49:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Stoned11 Tue, 29 Nov 2022 21:49:23 +0000 Gross sales figures will include inflation, however, it’s the increase in foot traffic and online traffic I find intriguing.

Due to Covid lockdowns, U.S. banks say that consumers had $1.7 trillion in savings and are now spending it. As an Etsy Seller, my activity in my handmade jewelry shop was crazy good this past weekend. I had the most active weekend EVER. People still have money and they want to spend it.

I heard on CNBC this past week that Walmart is indeed beating Amazon as a preferred Ecommerce site, however, much of Walmarts profits are coming from food sales. With the latest surge in inflation, the low income consumer is running to Walmart for cheaper groceries.

By: cvsharkey Mon, 28 Nov 2022 15:57:39 +0000 The ONLY reason Amazon saw a 1% increase in the value of orders is because of INFLATION! It’s nothing to brag about and pathetic that it was only 1% considering the inflated pricing they’ve incorporated!

I’ve started doing price comparisons between Amazon & Walmart, plus going directly to seller’s sites (if they offer free shipping, then a slightly higher price is acceptable.) What I’m finding is that most of the time–not always, but most of the time, Walmart is beating Amazon in price. sometimes I have actually found the Amazon price to be more than twice Walmart’s price. and with Walmart’s new $98 annual membership with free shipping I can have items shipped & not have to deal with their store. (I dropped Prime, but my husband added me to his & now I get the 5% on purchases again. Sweet.)

In other words, what we have here is a shell game. So play the game.
