Etsy said it’s been working behind the scenes to provide more accurate estimates for when buyers should expect their orders to arrive. In a post last week, Etsy described how it calculates estimated delivery dates that it displays to buyers:
“We use info from your shipping profiles, including processing times, shipping carrier, and shipping service, to calculate the estimated delivery date we show shoppers. We also track millions of Etsy orders so we can identify when major carriers are experiencing delays. Using this data, we can adjust estimated delivery dates to account for major delays—giving shoppers a more accurate estimate of when their order will arrive.”
It also relies on information sellers provide in their shipping profiles – such as where they ship from and how they ship. “This lets us get more precise in how we adjust the estimated delivery dates shown for the listings that use your shipping profiles.”
Etsy said adding shipping carrier and service to shipping profiles allows it to use the information along with the buyer’s location to show them a personalized estimated delivery date. “This gives us more opportunities to set expectations with shoppers who are seeing delays in their region without discouraging shoppers who aren’t experiencing delays.”
Here’s the link Etsy provided to explain how sellers can set up their shipping information. Let us know how well Etsy is managing buyer expectations around shipping.
I do not use Etsy’s shipping services. Customers pay a flat shipping rate and I use my carrier of choice, which gives me the options of using the fastest service at the best price.
Etsy tells me my shipping times are not accurate, but it does not take into account the processing times for my business. Yes, I have long processing times, but Etsy is not my only gig and it is not my most profitable gig. Etsy orders go into the same production stream as orders from my 2nd Etsy shop and from my website and other venues.
I use ShipStation for logistics and shipping. Better prices than Etsy offers and better service if problems arise. Actually, having a stack of stones as customer support would be more helpful than Etsy’s customer service