Online sellers will pay more to send USPS Priority Mail packages and other “competitive” shipping services beginning next month. The higher rates, previously announced, were approved by the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC), the USPS announced today.
The news comes at a time when reports of shipping delays are on the rise as holiday shopping adds more load into networks already impacted by the pandemic.
The PRC approved the domestic competitive price changes, you can find details on the PRC.gov website (PDF format).
The PRC had previously approved 2021 prices for “market dominant” mail (including First-Class Mail) as well as for Competitive International products. All of the approved rate changes will take effect on January 24, 2021.
Sellers discussed the new shipping rates in this November AuctionBytes Blog post.
Another nail in the coffin, Instead of killing off small sellers, how about doing something about USPS outrageous retired plan which ppl in Congress is too stupid to understand AND start charging amazon the same rate as the rest of us. My mail lady has shown up daily with the whole jeep piled top to bottom with amazon packages. Tells me she’s tired of it and they only pay pennies on the dollar that we pay using the USPS
No chance! First of all, Amazon is more powerful now than our own government. Congress wouldn’t ever mess with Bezos. Remember, he also owns the Washington Post that would skin them alive on the top of page one if they dared. And, we all know how much Congressional Reps and Senators love to be loved on the pages of the Washington Post.
Plus, no one in Congress would do it simply because of their visceral hatred for Trump, because it is he who originally suggested the very same, logical thing. Their logic goes like this: I hate Trump, therefore anything he says or does is bad, BAD!
So, as small business owners, let’s all get used to higher shipping rates as Amazon continues to further dominate the marketplace – at a substantial discount.