It’s official – the cost of shipping items internationally via USPS will go up in 2021 after the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) approved the US Postal Service price change for Competitive International products.
This follows recent PRC approval of 2021 prices for “market dominant” mail, including First-Class Mail, USPS Marketing Mail, Periodicals, Package Services, and Special Services products.
The USPS also filed notice with the PRC on November 16 of price changes to domestic “competitive” rates – including Priority Mail commercial rates that would rise an average of 4.2% and First-Class Package Service (FCPS) commercial rates that would rise an average of 6.5%.
The USPS provided in its November 25th announcement an overview of the approved average percent price increase by product / category for Competitive International products as follows:
Global Express Guaranteed: 0.9%
Priority Mail Express International: 3.6%
Priority Mail International: 5.1%
International Priority Airmail: 74.1%
International Surface Air Lift: 32.6%
Airmail M-Bags: 5.0%
First-Class Package International Service: 4.8%
International Ancillary Services: 3.4%
All approved rate changes will take effect on January 24, 2021.