Comments on: Everyone’s a Salesperson Under Postmaster General DeJoy Ecommerce Industry News Thu, 06 Apr 2023 15:47:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: NYSteve Thu, 06 Apr 2023 15:47:59 +0000 destroy it, make the business model only comprehensible to a heartless corporate CEO, then buy the ripe low hanging fruit (albeit rotten) with a few of your XPO cronies….i thought we were ‘draining the swamp’ ???

By: fruitylovesyou Wed, 05 Apr 2023 00:11:29 +0000 A big problem with USPS is they got an Amway salesman running that place instead of a business owner.

By: ebayout Tue, 04 Apr 2023 23:19:52 +0000 Dejoy…you evil genius. Consider this. Those 38″ triangular cartons that you give away and are now useless because of the $15 surcharge…why not make them 48″ with a $12 flat rate? You’d make millions overnite from golf club and fishing rod sellers who would switch back from UPS.
Then again,,,maybe you’re not a genius.

By: MakingMoney Tue, 04 Apr 2023 20:41:00 +0000 Many Businesses have no idea how cheap the rates are for Connect Local. I hope USPS goes after getting Sams Club, Walmart, Lowes, Kohls, Target and so on for same or next day local delivery. up to 13 ounces is $2.95 and up to 5 pounds is $3.95. It will be a game changer IF done right.

By: tsme35 Tue, 04 Apr 2023 20:17:45 +0000 Like the carriers don’t have enough to do, I remember 15-20 yrs ago, my mail lady carried stamps and some forms, not anymore and if there’s postage due, they just leave a notice.Think its slow now, just wait until the USPS centralizes post offices

By: GetAGrip Tue, 04 Apr 2023 19:42:24 +0000 DeJoy might want to have a long talk with our so called post master. He talks to everyone like they are 2 year old. He yells over everyone and is a vile, nasty arrogant zit. The face of the USPS is disgusting.

By: lessthanthreerecords Tue, 04 Apr 2023 02:28:50 +0000 I don’t understand. Postal workers are supposed to tell small business about USPS? Do they think small businesses have never heard of USPS? Under DeJoy, mail has slowed, prices have skyrocketed, and insurance claims are routinely denied. If he wants small businesses to ship with USPS, maybe he should work on those three things, rather than telling small businesses what they already know.
