Comments on: Your Chance to Help Rein in USPS Rate Hikes Ecommerce Industry News Thu, 02 Jun 2022 18:22:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: fusgeyer Thu, 02 Jun 2022 18:22:39 +0000 The surcharges that begin when a package is 22 inches long is going to kill those who ship rolled arwork, schematics, and plans. The core of my business is reproduction artwork and printing of large format PDF files. Adding a $15 surcharge to a Priority Mail package that is 38″ long but only weighs 1 lb is insane. The same package shipped via UPS 2nd Day is half of what the US Post Office charges. Additionally, insurance on that Priority Mail is only included up to a value of $50, otherwise you pay even more. UPS gives you up to $100 insurance coverage for no additional fees. I cannot pass these exhorborant fees to my customers, and I do not plan on paying extra for something of so little value. Also, the US Post Office tends to destroy about 1/3 of my tubes, one even had the bootmark from where the carrier bent the tube around his foot in order to fit it into a mailbox!

UPS delivers to your door, half the price of the USPS, includes more insurance, and has a 99% package survival rate.

USPS is twice the cost. Does not deliver to the door in most areas, only offers up to $50 free insurance on Priority Mail, and has a miserable 66% package survival rate.

Where is the incentive for me to contine using USPS? There is none. I’ll use them to send letters and small parcels under 11oz. But for anything else, they are not worth the cost.

By: The End Thu, 02 Jun 2022 17:14:06 +0000 Unbelievably, the USPS is single handedly murdering America.
The mail is America’s Achilles Heel.
And they know it will bring us to our knees.
They seem to think they won’t pay the ultimate penalty.

By: tsme35 Tue, 31 May 2022 19:52:50 +0000 Hope they can do something, government don’t care. I checked their FB and didn’t see alot of activity going on but did sign up for newsletter, hoping to see some action
