Online postage provider Stamps.com is waiving its monthly service fees for seniors through the end of July due to the coronavirus pandemic. However, sellers should know the program is for personal use only, not for business use.
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said those at high-risk for severe illness from COVID-19 include people 65 years and older
Stamps.com explained its decision in its announcement on Thursday:
“Stamps.com has launched a new program to provide its online mailing and shipping software to all U.S. senior citizens aged 65 and over without its customary monthly service fee (typically $17.99) during the current COVID-19 crisis. The company hopes that senior citizens in regions all over the country will benefit from this program allowing them to safely mail and ship all of their letters and packages without leaving their own homes.
“With many counties and states across the U.S. issuing stay-at-home orders to slow down the spread of the COVID-19 virus, citizens are unable to visit their local Post Offices or other retail locations to handle common mailing and shipping needs.”
Stamps.com said it would offer the program through at least July 31, 2020, and it could extend the program longer “depending on the circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic at that time.”
“When the Stamps.com Helps Seniors program ends, no monthly service fees will be charged unless a customer takes further action to register for an account with a monthly service fee.”
For those unfamiliar with online postage services, customers must still pay for USPS postage or UPS costs (and supplies).
You can find more information and sign up on the Stamps.com website.