Imagine ordering an item from a seller in the US, but only having the option to return it to a foreign address. In many cases, that would make the item “unreturnable” due to the high cost of international shipping. But a change from the Postal Service may help buyers – and it may help US sellers as well.
The USPS announced it will no longer allow companies to ship packages domestically using a foreign return address.
Online sellers in the US may benefit from the new policy since they must accept returns, while some foreign sellers have figured out how to reduce returns by making it too expensive for buyers. With the new policy, US sellers will be on a more even footing with foreign rivals.
The USPS announced on Thursday:
“Effective December 14, 2023, the Postal Service will no longer accept a foreign return address on an item being shipped domestically; domestic shipments can only have a domestic return address.
“Due to changes in international shipping requirements, the Postal Service will be amending Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) subsection 602.1.5.4, Using Return Addresses, to eliminate an exception that allowed a domestic mail piece to have a foreign return address as a courtesy.
“A foreign address can only be used when shipping an item internationally, along with the appropriate customs form.
“If a domestic item is undeliverable, and includes a foreign return address, USPS will handle the mail in accordance with the current USPS dead mail procedures (DMM section 507.1.9).
“Any feedback or questions can be sent to ShippingServices@usps.gov.”