Comments on: Is USPS Overbilling for PM Flat Rate Boxes Isolated to One Shipper? Ecommerce Industry News Wed, 17 Apr 2024 18:31:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: 51st State Sat, 02 Mar 2024 02:28:17 +0000 One additional thought – another place to investigate is the postage/label generating company they are using. Try using a different company to make up labels for a small group of test “orders” and see if the return labels work correctly for the test group. If they DO, then it seems like the problem is the postage/label generating company has been using. If they DON’T, then it seems likely that something in ScanMyPhotos equipment is creating the problem, generating some kind of error into the return label bar code.

By: 51st State Sat, 02 Mar 2024 02:11:57 +0000 I watched the video and i don’t believe I saw any Regional boxes, but was hard to really see any of them because the video was moving along so fast. I have a whole bunch of Regional boxes left that I’m using and I don’t believe any of them say FLAT RATE on them (I DID see Flat Rate marked boxes in the video)

A couple of other thoughts – Just guessing; SOMETHING appears to be wrong with the bar codes:

1) Is something being programmed incorrectly to create the RETURN labels? possibly a problem with ScanMyPhotos software? that the return label bar codes are reading as regular PM when the packages are scanned to be returned? … I would suggest ScanMyPhotos generate some test “return” labels and take them to their postmaster and have the bar codes checked to make sure they are coded correctly for Priority Flat Rate.

Label creation/generating bar codes can be WEIRD. My own worst experience was unbelievable. I was waiting for a package from an ebay shipper that didn’t arrive. Postmaster checked the tracking number and the address was correct (mine) but the BARCODE that had been generated was for a totally different residence miles away. The package never showed, and I finally heard from the seller that it had been returned to him. He redid the label and mailed it and it came along timely.

2) IDK but is a USED flat rate box still considered Flat Rate? Doesn’t seem likely, because I would think that at least SOME should be coming back flat rate instead of being changed to regular PM.

By: GetAGrip Thu, 29 Feb 2024 17:40:28 +0000 @ galacticstone.

You do realize that the po still has flat rate small, flat rate medium and flat rate large boxes. These are marked as so. NO REGIONAL A B C markings. OP doesn’t state which box he is using.

By: GalacticStone Thu, 29 Feb 2024 12:12:16 +0000 Those are regional flat rate boxes that have been discontinued. They are now charged as regular non-flat-rate Priority boxes. This is a known issue and the seller should have been aware of it. USPS announced this change last year.
