The postal service in Germany is having trouble meeting delivery standards. The USPS issued an alert advising mailers that Deutsche Post is currently encountering challenges in delivering letter-post items in line with its “high quality standards.”
The challenges are mainly seen on a local or regional rather than nationwide level, it warned, and may affect different parts of Germany.
It feels a bit like déjà vu and hopefully isn’t the “canary in the coal mine” indicating problems ahead in other countries – Deutsche Post cited increasing COVID-19 infections among its staff and severe shortages on the labor market as contributing factors.
The US Postal Service said the service update affects mail sent through the following services: Priority Mail Express International® (PMEI), Priority Mail International® (PMI), First-Class Mail International® (FCMI), First-Class Package International Service® (FCPIS®), International Priority Airmail® (IPA®), International Surface Air Lift® (ISAL®), and M-Bag® items.
“Deutsche Post is working hard to limit the effects on quality of service; currently 80% of letters are delivered the next working day, with more than 95% being delivered after two working days,” it said.