Comments on: USPS Progress Report on 10-Year Plan Addresses Holiday Disruptions and Outlines Priorities for Year 3 Ecommerce Industry News Fri, 05 May 2023 00:31:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: fruitylovesyou Fri, 05 May 2023 00:31:17 +0000 I like this 10 year plan.. Maybe cut it in half to get more cost savings: replace the postal service with drones and AI. If we start with Dejoy first we could save about 20 billion lol

By: YourKiddingRight Wed, 03 May 2023 16:08:50 +0000 Here’s my scary mail story: One day I get a letter delivered to Kathy someone – I have a Kathy someone at my house. I live at 2314 S “A” St my town. I get the mail in and realize it’s not my Kathy – it’s a Kathy that lives at 2314 S “B”.. Wow I think that’s really weird and being the good neighbor I decide to deliver it myself since it was only 1 block over.
I go there and knock on the door – thought since things were so similar I might introduce myself and make sure some of Kathy’s mail hasn’t been getting delivered to their address.
Big mistake. A girl comes out of the house since she saw me getting out of the car. she comes to the gate to welcome me with both arms raised up to hug me which I declined – she might have been French since I could clearly see she had never shaved her armpits ever. She looked about 25. I explain to her that I got her mail and the address situation. She was surprised sorta but informed they got packages all the time that didn’t belong to them but she thanked me for her mail. Her mother came out now to see what was happening – rather strange woman and I also noted that there was another girl in the window staring out. She actually looked like one of those scary clowns with lipstick smeared all over her face. They invited me in which I declined and turned to leave stating I had food on the stove at home. The first girl then told me to wait a bit – ran back into the house and came out with a present for me. It was a used hash pipe which I again decline and now I was running back to my car.
As they say no good deed goes unpunished. I return all misdelivered mail directly to the PO now.
You can not make this stuff up.

By: eBray Tue, 02 May 2023 07:03:18 +0000 WHERE ARE THE MISSING PACKAGES? Why do you keep losing mails, USPS? You suck!

By: MakingMoney Mon, 01 May 2023 21:31:00 +0000 Just a couple of questions is your mailbox labeled with your number and the last names of people receiving mail there????

By: GetAGrip Mon, 01 May 2023 19:33:39 +0000 In reply to nagmashdriver.

I don’t need to feel better as I feel fine. I enjoy the postmaster being all pissed off at me. I will continue to do as I have been doing. Sooner of later the dip shit will realize its easier to correct the problem. Hence no more nasty letters from the inspectors. I could care less who gets upset. They need to do their job or be fired. Its fun to watch as everything has been documented. They can kiss my backside.

By: nagmashdriver Mon, 01 May 2023 18:54:58 +0000 In reply to GetAGrip.

Dear GAG,

Your local postmaster is angry at you for two reasons, both should be obvious to you:

1) He/she is getting pissed because the PIs are angry at him. Again, the Postal Inspection Service doesn’t give a rat’s ass about efficiency problems, only LAW ENFORCEMENT problems.
2) Your postmaster is a feckless, spineless middle-manager just trying to finish out his twenty+ years and get his pension. He doesn’t give a crap about your mail and is embarrassed that you are calling him out on his shit.

If you worked at a P&DC or P&DF (now called a “Sectional Sorting Center”, still a big building where the mail is sorted) then you know this to be true.

Don’t get me wrong, GAG, I’m totally on your side. I have a friend in a neighboring town who has the same fight with his dipshit carrier and therefore, his supervisor of carriers and above him, the postmaster.

I still have the Postal Inspectors number on my phone even though I separated from them in 2012. I would never dream of calling them to report a dipshit worker and in fact, they could prosecute me for abuse of a government (YES, I know the USPS isn’t Federal Government since 1970 but who are we kidding?) asset, i.e. a hotline.

You are much better off writing a calm and articulate letter to the dipshits in Washington and then publishing said letter all over the Web. I doubt anything will happen but it will make you feel better and embarrass them, much as I did when I wrote Josh Silverman of Etsbay over his dumbass moves a year ago last month…

By: cellar_ebayer Mon, 01 May 2023 13:44:09 +0000 Mis-directed mail. I had a package that was 50 miles away from me and to be delivered. I live in Wisconsin. But before that package could be delivered it had to take a vacation to West Virginia and Kentucky before coming back up to Wisconsin. That is ridiculous. Think of the money that could be saved if packages were actually being shipped directly to their destination.

By: GetAGrip Mon, 01 May 2023 10:56:33 +0000 In reply to nagmashdriver.


If your so smart and know so much then please explain this. I keep getting calls from the local post master saying please do not send mis delivered mail to the inspectors within 2 days of sending it. If they pay no attention then explain why the post master goes ballistic when I do this. My reply to him is then make sure the morons delivering the mail perform the service they are being paid for. Oh and by the way I worked for many many years at a sectional center with all those postal inspectors and they do care.

By: nagmashdriver Mon, 01 May 2023 04:17:24 +0000 In reply to GetAGrip.


The USPS Postal Inspectors don’t care one iota that your mail is misdirected. All they care about is misdeeds of it’s employees. The could give a rat’s posterior about the EFFICIENCY of the USPS employees.

Having said that, the current USPS positively SUCKS. I can say that because I’ve been selling online for twenty years plus; twelve of those years working for the USPS at a mid-sized P&DC, a Processing and Distribution Center…

By: GetAGrip Sun, 30 Apr 2023 17:07:20 +0000 To DeJoy its all fun and games BUT his great carriers still haven’t learned to read addresses when delivering the mail. I’m tired of having to deliver it so now I just send it to the postal inspectors at out sectional center with a note. DELIVERED TO WRONG ADDRESS AGAIN.
