Update 3/8/2021: “The Postal Service has resumed normal air network operations.”
The US Postal Service is moving some mail from air to surface transport due to a backlog at its Memphis hub, it warned in a new alert today, February 27, 2021:
Continued Weather Impacts to Air and Surface Transportation
Due to the impacts of last week’s winter storm the Postal Service’s Memphis hub has experienced a significant backlog. This has impacted our entire air network resulting in impacts to some surface/facilities, with Dallas and Memphis receiving the biggest impacts. In an effort to clear this backlog as expeditiously as possible, we have moved some mail from air to surface and are adding extra surface transportation. We will continue to manage the situation throughout the weekend.
We thank you for your patience as we work through these issues and will provide updates to our progress.
The backlog they’re talking about has literally been compounding for the last four MONTHS. Last week’s storm? Haha, that’s a good one!
Oooooh. First it was COVID and now the weather? Seriously? What’s next? Blame it on World War 3?
How about USPS actually taking responsibility and firing a few lazy employees as an example so that the rest of them will behave!
It took a FED EX OVERNIGHT Express package over 9 days to get to us that came thru Memphis and another 5 days last week. We have a UPS package as well that is in Memphis that was shipped over a week ago and still delayed. So, it has nothing to do with USPS “lazy employees.” Wait until next month when the $1400 check come out and extra unemployment boost, the delays will start again and has nothing to do with “lazy employees.”
I don’t know about the rest of the nation, but in my branch, several employees retired. I guess we should cut the new folks some slack for a bit.
I agree with Ronn. The retirements are mounting and the PO is slow to hire. Remember — they have to screen and train new employees and these new kids hardly want to work. Unfortunately, this is why we need an immigrant class of people. THEY will work.
A complete farce. A stamp dealer in Kansas mailed my order February 13th; nothing received. No rational explanation for this…none.
If it’s a weather related issue (which it isn’t; it wasn’t a 2 week blizzard) wouldn’t traffic be worse on the ground? There is no reasonable explanation for this debacle. It’s all DeJoy, all the time. He needs to GO, quickly.
For the most part, over 20 years of running our business, USPS has been stellar and we have their back. At least half or more of our reputation is due to USPS exceeding expectation – ours and our customers. Yes we had some mail stuck 10 days in Memphis but they dug out and got it done.
I think the problem is that Memphis is FED EX’s main hub, and that since the early 90’s the Post Office has used FED EX to transport their Priority and Express Mail. This would appear that FED EX may be the culprit with mail delays???