In every issue, readers soundoff about issues important to them. From shipping issues to payment processing, from fees to online marketplace policies, EcommerceBytes Soundoff gives you a chance to air your views.
I have been having trouble getting my money from eBay managed payments. I started MP on 8/1 and received no money since then with over $400.00 due me. All payments to eBay have been completed per them.
You may be interested in the run around I am getting. Here is a copy of all the chat sessions (August 4, August 5, August 6, August 7) – and still no payout.
Thank you.
I’d like to ask you, if I may, when will eBay fully launch managed payments? I thought it has already started but I can see no difference at checkout at the time. Please let me know and I thank you for your help and time.
Best regards,
I’ve just been forced into Managed Payments on eBay – much against my wishes.
I set up a new online bank account so I could control how much eBay could get their hands on at anyone time, intending to do clean sweeps to another account (or PayPal) everytime payments were received into it.
Guess what?
My payments account has my new bank account ok, but they also put my former PayPal account and my credit card that only PayPal had access to (eBay never did before), as ‘Back Up Payment’ and ‘Automatic Payment’ – so they’ve got my new bank account, and can get their dibs into either my PayPal or credit card when they run their games – Neither of which I authorised, they just have this information as that’s what they had before Managed Payments.
This is most deceitful, no wonder they didn’t want to give much information out beforehand – PayPal’s supposed to be over with in MP, but clearly it suits eBay to have access to your PayPal account or credit card when it suits it.
I have been able (I think) to remove PayPal from the ‘Back Up’ section, but despite repeated tries I cannot get my credit card information off eBay, so they now have that as an Automatic Payment method in perpetuity – despite MP.
Just thought others might want to know this in advance, this really is disgusting in my view – nowhere does it say they are doing that until you’ve been forced into it and come across it by chance almost – so its Managed Payments + extra sources of money for eBay if they feel inclined.
Keep up the good work – we need you more than ever these days,
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Hi Nigel, report the card as lost or stolen and ask the issuer to send you a new one, with a different number.