eBay asked four of its tech leaders what’s next in the evolution of the online shopping experience and how they think ecommerce will evolve throughout 2021. Here are the trends and summaries of what they said:
1) Drone delivery for smaller goods
Lakshimi Duraivenkatesh, VP, Buyer Experience Engineering: “Given the huge shift to online commerce, there will be a lot of innovation around optimizing for shipping cost and time. Autonomous vehicle delivery for smaller goods may be one such innovation.”
2) Monitoring of work-from-home employees
Mazen Rawashdeh, SVP, Chief Technology Officer: “With the shift and change of remote work, I believe we’re going to see companies focusing and putting a lot of emphasis on employee engagement metrics, employee productivity metrics” (due to the impact of COVID-19).
3) Technology that helps small businesses online
Senthil Padmanabhan, VP, Technical Fellow: “Organizations that create the technology and platforms to easily and seamlessly enable small businesses to have a healthy digital presence will be the change agents to build an equal opportunity world that we all envision.”
4) Immersive experiences enabled by AI and emerging technologies
Tanya Vlahovic, Head of Developer Ecosystem & Distinguished Architect: “AI is becoming the driving force in technology. It will impact many aspects of work and personal life.”
You can hear more from the eBay employees on this post on the eBay corporate blog.
I just won’t believe they’ll make any seller friendly, seller “healthy nice profit” oriented, non buttinski, venues. From what I’ve experienced, they don’t have it in ’em.
eBay can’t even get its current platform functioning properly. Just count ALL the glitches its website’s been having the last few weeks and months. Why should anybody have faith that it can and will “innovate”? All eBay does is copy Big Bro Amazon.
“Tech leaders”? What a joke!
No surprise, LOUSY ideas from LAME personnel.
Ineffective methods to do nothing but waste time and money.
What is the REAL reason for these ideas?
More data mining, account breaches, and failed programs that will be forgotten in the next few months.
Drone delivery for items is a waste of resources.
ebay has NO DELIVERY SERVICE! Trying to copy a site that DOES have it’s own delivery. Cant wait to see this one fail (if it ever even gets launched)
Monitoring employees?
PLEASE! The reputation of poor maintenance of the site is enough of an explanation.
Monitor what? To make sure that they stay on course to suck at what they do?
Technology that helps small businesses online?
Repeat #2, and assume that another scheme for taking money wrongfully is an excuse for financing a ‘do nothing’ program.
Immersive experiences enabled by AI and emerging technologies
More like INVASIVE experiences and AI to pilfer Information while throttling smaller sellers like a corrupted filter to manipulate organic shopping and/or selling.
How can these people have any input on progression when the site is chock full of problems and wrongful access to sellers revenue?
Who should trust any agency or shareholder who pumps money into backing the wrong horse?
At this point, it is just amusing to see how many more dumb and ineffective ideas that come from the under-qualified people ‘in charge’ of the short sighted and misguided perception of commerce.
The race for last place is really tight for the three big marketplaces.
Making sure China is the winner over the rest of the world.
what a bunch of nonsense
Senthil Padmanabhan, VP, Technical Fellow: “Organizations that create the technology and platforms to easily and seamlessly enable small businesses to have a healthy digital presence will be the change agents to build an equal opportunity world that we all envision.”
This guy is drinking a very special flavor of Kool-Aid. If these sales channels had any sense they would develop platforms specifically for small businesses that would help us compete. Instead, all of these marketplaces have implemented policies that have strangled small business.