Etsy sellers who list digital goods for sale have been unable to upload files this holiday weekend. “This is the 2nd day. If you sell instant downloads you can’t list anything,” a seller reported today on this thread.
Based on the many threads on the Etsy Bugs and Technical Issues forum, the problem began on Saturday and prevents sellers from uploading PDFs and ZIP files. At least one seller (on this thread) lost a sale because of the glitch.
When attempting to upload files, sellers report receiving the following message – note that they should be able to upload files that end in .pdf and .zip:
“Error Message: Please upload files that end in .bmp .doc .gif .jpeg .jpg .mobi . mov .mp3 .mpeg .pdf .png .psp .rtf . stl .txt .zip .ePUB .iBook”
One seller was able to email a customer the file, but a seller on this thread said he was unable to send a PDF file to a customer through the Etsy messaging system, getting the error message: “Hmm. Something went wrong. Please try again.”
For those unfamiliar with the concept of selling digital goods through the marketplace, you can read more in this Seller Handbook article on the Etsy website. It would be fascinating to know how much revenue comes from the sale of digital goods, but we’ve never seen Etsy release that information.
With the Memorial Day holiday on Monday, sellers are hoping they won’t have to wait until Tuesday to see the problem fixed.