In every issue, readers soundoff about issues important to them. From shipping issues to payment processing, from fees to online marketplace policies, EcommerceBytes Soundoff gives you a chance to air your views.
Dear Ina,
An unethical short story I encountered from Amazon.
I added an item last night to my cart to continuing looking for more items today. Price was $30.92 for this item.
Today, the item disappeared from my cart and the ASIN changed in the link with a price increase to $78.04. The only thing Amazon forgot was to change the old ASIN in the description.
I contacted Amazon Support via chat and the person on Amazon’s site told me it can change from time to time and items can disappear because of a price increase. This is unethical. Typical Bezos.
Dear Ina,
eBay seller protection does not exist. Especially during Christmas.
Sold an item, was at USPS next morning when it opened and I mailed the order. Got a bad feedback because it did not arrive by Christmas.
Plenty of warnings on eBay that this might happen. There is nothing I could have done better. So no seller protection and no promised adjustments for slow/delayed USPS.
I have a 100% perfect eBay record for decades. Nothing matters they simply do not care.
eBay has some real competition for online sales. To not even try to keep the Top Rated seller somewhat happy is just crazy! Could someone please explain their business plan to me!
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Wait until EBay refunds your buyer from YOUR money when the item is still in transit because the nasty buyer opened a case against you. It happened to me yesterday. And because of that I am switching to FedEx starting today. The post office is dead to me now except for very light items.
For many months now I have been warning people in vain that USPS sucks. Most people would not listen.
Hi Andrew I’ll explain though you answered it. I have sold on e-bay for 17 years with near perfect record.. E-bay only cares about their profits. If I’m wrong then I must be wrong about the following. You list something on e-bay and do all the work selling shipping returns and on and on all the work. The final value fee for higher end items is already ridiculous yet they charge you another fee on the cost of shipping to your customers. They also demand you have free shipping threatening your listings with lower exposure if you don’t do it. Then they give buyers money back for fraudulent returns without your permission taken by force out of your account because you use managed payments. They also charge you even more money to use this Managed payments by forcing their way into your banking relationship. Is there bounced fees to the Bank because of E-bay? Good luck if you get what your supposed to in that managed account on time or ever? Better do the math every sale and watch out. They take your ability to leave negative feedback away yet allow customers to use it to abuse you and do nothing. So now they are saying they need more money to exposure your items for sale or they will hide them?? Wow sounds like we would get better treatment dealing with the MOB. I’m leaving and from what I’ve heard when the pandemic is over sellers will start flight by the thousands.