eBay Canada announced new features for sellers on Thursday, writing it was excited about the launch of new features to help sellers increase sales and monitor their performance. They include allowing buyers and sellers to make counter offers as well as a new Traffic Report in Seller Hub.
Offers to Buyers
Negotiate your offers to buyers with a new counter offer feature
The “Offers to buyers” feature enables you to initiate a negotiation process with buyers who show interest in your items but haven’t yet completed their transactions. Now, a new counteroffer option lets you and your buyer negotiate an offer by exchanging up to five offers and counteroffers for each negotiation.
You are now able to allow counter offers from buyers through the Seller Hub Active Listing page as well as on your mobile device. If you don’t want to receive counter offers, you can disable it on your mobile device.
Lower minimum discounts
As announced in the 2020 Spring Seller Update, we have reduced the minimum discounts for your high-value items. Now, the minimum discount for items priced between $200 to $1000 is 3%; and for items priced over $1000 is 2%.
Learn more about sending offers to buyers.
Traffic Report
Under the Performance tab in Seller Hub, you can now find a new “Traffic” report. It provides real time traffic data on key sales metrics including impressions, page views, and quantity sold for any date range of up to 90 days. You can also view and compare the performance of your promoted vs. Organic listings across the same selling metrics.
Promoted Listings Dashboard
This newly redesigned dashboard helps you quickly understand the overall health of your ad campaigns. It also offers a number of new features such as visualizing your data to spot trends and compare metrics; and an easy way to control your campaigns so you can create, edit, pause, or end campaigns all directly from the dashboard.
See your promoted listing dashboard.
You can find the full post on the eBay Canada Announcement board.
If the traffic report they are finally offering is as useless as most information that Ebay provides to its sellers it will be nothing but a complete waste of time. The old saying Garbage in Garbage out seems to be the proper quoted for information supplied by Ebay, especially when its for free!!!!