Welcome to our special issue of EcommerceBytes Update where we present the results of the 10th annual Sellers Choice Awards. The information sellers revealed about their experiences is fascinating. We culled through thousands of comments where sellers detailed which things are getting better, which things are getting worse, and what changes sellers would like to see implemented on each platform (and what things should be left alone!).
Social networking sites first appeared in Sellers Choice in 2014, and this year, mobile selling apps made it into the list for the first time. We take a look at sellers’ experiences with mobile and social and the unique opportunities and challenges they provide.
It won’t take long to read the overview article presenting this year’s results – here’s the link. We hope you’ll also take the time to dig deeper into the results of each venue. You can see what sellers feel about each platform by reading the comments they left. It’s priceless, insider information!
If you sell online, you’ll find diving into Sellers Choice more rewarding than many of the distractions that confront us on TV and the Internet, and you may pick up some tips along the way.
Thanks for taking the time to participate in the 10th annual Sellers Choice, and thanks for reading!
I don’t think I will be participating in this next year. The results are too predictable. Yes, we know amazon is the biggest, we know ebay is a big one, blah, blah, blah. I have a question for you… Have you ever contacted Craigslist or Facebook for customer service and gotten help? It’s not possible! So why is it that the same marketplaces that offer NO customer service, get scores for customer service? We know the most sales would probably happen on amazon, but that is entirely dependent on the product.
What we NEED is a top 10 NEW marketplaces where Amazon, Ebay, Craigslist, Facebook, Etsy, Bonanza, Poshmark, and maybe a few others are not eligible to be a part of the lists. Give us lists of new marketplaces and their pros and cons, customer service, etc.