Comments on: PayPal Adds Checkout Options including Apple Pay and Saved-Settings Ecommerce Industry News Thu, 06 Apr 2023 02:46:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: The End Thu, 06 Apr 2023 02:46:31 +0000 Never use PayPal.

By: fruitylovesyou Wed, 05 Apr 2023 03:45:31 +0000 That seems weird. If I pay with apple pay then the seller doesn’t need apple pay account.. They have a PayPal account? Do I file a complaint with apple pay and then the seller deals with PayPal ..or applepay? Seems like they are interjecting in a way that really isn’t necessary. I like the additional options but I also like more knowing who my data is going through and that seems really odd to me. Unless of course they plan to prevent the seller from seeing who the buyer is? With 1 stroke you will see a big barcode on the ship to. Lol
