Marketplace Pulse reported today that Amazon suspended hundreds of top Chinese sellers over the past 2 months. The blog compiled a list of nearly 300 individual seller accounts that it said had offered dozens of previously best-selling items.
Marketplace Pulse said that even though the suspended sellers represent only a tiny share of the total number of China-based businesses on Amazon, news of the suspensions “sent shockwaves through the Chinese seller communities.”
“”Made in China, sold on Amazon” is a big part of the Amazon marketplace,” according to the post written by Joe Kaziukenas, an advisor to startups and entrepreneurs.
But Kaziukenas doesn’t pan the Chinese brands; he calls them decent products. Rather, he said the sellers took advantage of what he called Amazon’s “ineffective oversight of the marketplace.”
“They didn’t outwit the Amazon system to peddle worse products. They cheated the system because they likely felt that if they didn’t, others will,” he said.
He said Amazon is only now enforcing blatant policy violations like manipulating customer reviews.
Amazon needs to do a better job policing their website of fake Chinese junk. When searching under the Action Figure category using the sort by “Featured” , your #1 response is an obvious fake knock off set. It has Batman, Superman, Thor, Hulk, Captain America and Iron Man in it. No toy company has the licenses to both Marvel and DC to make figures together. Looking at the reviews you can see some real issues, figures with 3 arms and 1 leg, broken or missing limbs, poor quality. How does this become the #1 featured item in a large category?
Amazon has become AliBaba East.
Please STOP the madness!