What happened to NexTag? We received a news tip from a reader today about the comparison shopping engine:
“It looks like Nextag website is offline and has been since Dec. 28th, 2018. I think they went out of business, but I can’t seem to find any news regarding them. I thought it might be something you might want to look into.”
We checked and cannot access NexTag.com, and we can’t find any news stories describing its demise – it’s a mystery! We did find some tweets referencing the company.
“@Nextag Is your site down or are you closing it down for good? Past 3 days the domain name cant even be found.” (10:46 PM – 26 Dec 2018)
And this intriguing tweet posted today:
“RIP Nextag.” (1:11 PM – 7 Jan 2019)
Interestingly the last tweet we could find by NexTag was from May of 2017, and the last time it posted on Facebook was when it changed its cover photo in July 2017.
Comparison shopping engines (CSEs) were at the height of their popularity in the mid 2000’s. Do you use them as a buyer or as a seller, and do you know what happened to NexTag?